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It turned out what kind of man, in addition to Bezus, Katya Gorina dreams of

Ekaterina Gorina awaits the return of Alexei Bezus in the Dom 2 TV project, having fun in the company of Christina Bukhynbalte. Yesterday the girls were sitting in a room, dreaming and visualizing and drawing their wishes on the mirror with lipstick. It turned out what kind of man, in addition to Bezus, Katya Gorina dreams of. It looks like Katya is watching Artyom GrantBezus is clearly not such a strong man, next to whom Ekaterina mentally imagines herself.

A funny situation, Gorina has not yet divorced, she has just filed a lawsuit to dissolve the marriage with Artur Nikolaychuk, and already ran in search of the man of her dreams. Apparently, she is interested in a beautiful shell, physical strength, external attractiveness and the admiring gaze of a new admirer directed in her direction.

Artyom Grant’s friend Vlad Blinov can be expected to start courting Gorina in the near future, recently. separated from Anna Samoninawhat we wrote about in the sloka. But did Aleksey Bezus let Katya go to the end?

Divorce with a twist

Meanwhile, the network is dispelling among the audience of House 2 the opinion that Gorina is a divorcee with a twist: a young, but witty, outwardly changed for the better, Muscovite, has authority among the participants in the Terestroika. Which of the guys in the project will receive such a “super prize”?

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