Home » today » World » It seems to Tagarev that Russia is to blame for the fact that Bulgarian youths do not want to serve in the army – 2024-08-05 00:35:56

It seems to Tagarev that Russia is to blame for the fact that Bulgarian youths do not want to serve in the army – 2024-08-05 00:35:56

/ world today news/ It is not Russian disinformation that is dissuading Bulgarian youth from wanting to join the Bulgarian Army. The reason will be elsewhere. Maybe in the politics of the Bulgarian authorities!?

The Minister of Defense believes: “Due to the powerful disinformation campaign and propaganda, which has pro-Russian and anti-European, that is, anti-Bulgarian interest – for example, that we will send soldiers to fight at the front, the number of those who want to join the army decreased sharply.“*

Tagarev cannot fail to know that the vast majority of Bulgaria’s population has a positive attitude towards Russia. That is, that the Bulgarian national interest is closely related to the attitude of the people towards Russia. This is not disinformation, not propaganda, not anti-Bulgarian interest, as he thinks and says, but a real fact. And this fact must be known, respected, and the authorities must comply with it.

The Bulgarian Minister of Defense cannot fail to understand something else. Namely, that the Bulgarian authorities, to which he is included, are making enviable attempts to reverse this trend and turn the Bulgarian people against Russia. Maybe they forgot or didn’t read Vaz’s story “Inhospitable Village” at all.

Tagarev graduated from a military school, although not for commanders. Nevertheless, he studied general army tactics at least in their most general form.

He cannot fail to have learned that the sole task of every commander, from the lowest to the highest in rank, is to prepare his soldiers for military action. Because the purpose of any army is to prepare to fight, not for masses in spiritual concerts and participation in parades.

He taught that any commander’s order of battle begins with an assessment of the enemy: what kind of enemy is against his own military unit, what his objective is, and what the soldiers must do to thwart his design.

Only then does the commander outline everyone’s tasks with utmost precision and only finally orders how they should be carried out. From there, orders, funerals with salutes or a court-martial follow…

Who is the opponent against the armed forces of Bulgaria today?

The Bulgarian political and power elite thinks, perhaps, that it is Russia with its, according to its estimates, aggressive policy and strategy, currently against Ukraine.

The people, however, are of a different opinion in their predominant part.

And let’s not forget that the army is being recruited in the middle of the people’s lowlands.

What do Tagarev and his friends in power expect? Young people to go with songs to the military units?

I will remind him, if he has forgotten, how the soldiers and officers of the Bulgarian People’s Army prepared for military operations and built a powerful military force. They knew who the likely opponent was and realized that they had to prepare properly. And that’s probably why they didn’t have to test what they learned.

And what did the Bulgarian army prepare for during the tsarist era?

An elderly Rhodope shepherd, who served as a non-commissioned officer in His Majesty’s Army as a young man, explained to my soldiers during our summer camp near the Smolyan Lakes in the 1970s the task of the Bulgarian Army:

To defend the people and His Majesty from external enemies.

To the question of a soldier, who are these enemies, the tsarist non-commissioned officer answered without hesitation: all those who are against our Fatherland. And called them by their specific names.

When asked by another soldier how he knew this, he explained: From the soldier’s textbook.

This is what is called the motive and motivation of the army to serve its Fatherland.

What is our military’s motivation to serve today?

The fatherland? The values ​​of NATO, which, according to the authorities, are also Bulgarian values ​​and interests?

After all, our Fatherland is primarily made up of people, the vast majority of whom have a positive attitude towards Russia! However, NATO is of the opposite opinion…

In this situation, do our authorities, against the sentiments of the people, consider possibly preparing the army, since they think, according to NATO, that Russia is the enemy of our people.

In this sense, for what military activity should every commander prepare his soldiers and what order of battle should he issue before leading them into battle?

History teaches that Tsar Boris the Third, Supreme Commander of the Bulgarian Army, after assessing the geostrategic situation in the whirlwind of World War II, refused Hitler’s Bulgaria to send military forces against the USSR. He was aware that he would turn the Bulgarian people against him, and that the army could turn its guns against Germany.

So, the king has soberly considered what he must do in order for our Fatherland to survive in that most terrible war. Some say that the king paid with his life for this decision of his.

History confirms this royal position. After the Bulgarian government declared war on Germany on 06.09.1944, the Bulgarian army very quickly prepared for military action against its former ally and covered its battle flags with the laurel wreaths of glory and victory: Stracin, Drava, etc.

Because the people and their army have realized that the pro-German policy of the Bulgarian authorities has caused two national catastrophes to the Motherland and they must protect it from a third.

And the feat of the Bulgarian army helps Bulgaria preserve its territorial integrity.

Knowing history is a path to the right decisions in the present.

Nowadays, the most important and possible solution is for Bulgaria to refrain from sudden movements and decisions regarding the military events in Ukraine.

But since such a position is impossible for our authorities, there are other options.

Tagarev and his political team have an opportunity to make good choices in support of a wise resolution of the case before them.

For example, they can organize a motivational propaganda campaign among their families, the families of their supporters, “Atlanticians” and other non-governmental grant organizations and selected publicists. And to form a volunteer battalion of five or six hundred inspired men and women. To thoroughly prepare them for defense, and not to “fight at the front against Russia”, which, according to Tagarev, hinders the motivation of young people to join our army. And to warn the Russian authorities and Putin personally that if he dares to take a step towards the Bulgarian shores and lands, he will have to deal with this elite combat unit.

In such a situation, it can be expected that our army would also receive additional motivational power.

It wouldn’t hurt if they followed the Russian film “Women’s Battalion”. He uses artistic means to recreate a true story from the First World War in an almost documentary way. Wives, sisters and daughters of Russian officers are organized into a volunteer women’s battalion. They fought bravely against the Germans. They achieve a positive effect among the army.

I think of a Bulgarian classic, the author of the short stories “Men’s Times”. His character instructs: “The eagle is caught with live meat, not carrion!”. Another reasoned: “It’s one thing to want, another to be able, and third and fourth to do it.”

Well, our rulers might have a chance to start with the first: to want. But they also have to think. To understand what the people want and how to serve them faithfully.

Otherwise, they probably won’t be able to utter Castro’s words: “History will vindicate me!”.


* Faktor.bg, 09.08.2023,

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