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It seems that Picardo is the one in charge

And it is a pity because the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, also participates in these meetings, with voice but no vote, as Gibraltar is a colony of Great Britain.

However, even though Picardo is there with a voice but no vote, the main stumbling block to these denials is at the points that should be external borders and whose surveillance should be in the hands of Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency) and which should be at the airport and port of Gibraltar, considered as external borders of Europe even though Gibraltar no longer belongs to the European Union.

So, consider the situation. Gibraltar is not in the European Union because Great Britain left the European Union through the Brexit referendum. However, it enjoys all the advantages of the European Union and it is precisely Picardo who is putting up the most obstacles to reaching an agreement because he flatly refuses to have Spanish police officers among the members of Frontex, arguing that this would be a loss of sovereignty for the Rock.

A regrettable attitude that clearly shows the lack of vision of a leader who is capable of leading his people to ruin due to his arrogance and the parochial mentality that he shows us day after day.

The Spanish Frontex police do not act as Spanish police but as European police, whether Picardo likes it or not, and under no circumstances should Picardo’s demands be accepted because it is regrettable that he is the one who imposes his criteria, which, moreover, have nothing to do with reality.

This shared prosperity zone that we are told about must be a bridge that leads back and forth and not only benefits Gibraltar. And the demands must not be made of the Spanish Government but of Picardo himself, who is the one who is stopping all this.

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