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IT problems with the government! Chamber President Arib warns of national security – The Daily Standard

Due to failing IT in the government, it can take weeks before MPs can work ‘normally’ again – read: via secure networks – from home. Chamber President Arib calls on MPs to work as little as possible at home in the meantime. This so that as little hacking as possible can be done. It is going well again in The Hague.

MPs work via the Citrix system, but that is a huge leak. Which means that MPs – who officially only need to be in The Hague three days a week – now submit motions and parliamentary questions via their private e-mail. Of course the fools that this must be the temporary solution. Failing ICT is something that has been warned about for some time.

“We cannot yet say for sure when it will be resolved,” says an Arib spokesperson. “We depend on when Citrix comes up with a solution – a so-called” patch “. And we must then be sure that that patch is sufficient. That requires test time. “

For too long, digital security has been more or less neglected in The Hague. Fortunately some MPs are slowly waking up. This is no longer possible, The Hague is light years behind modern technology.

We are sometimes very concerned about our building, but just like hospitals and universities, we must have our digital building in order. “Verhoeven:” Digital security requires more attention and money. It is no longer abstract. Whether it concerns hospital patients in Leeuwarden or students in Maastricht: it affects us. ”

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