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It melted 8.5 billion tons of ice a day in Greenland

This year, 100 billion tons of ice have already disappeared from the Greenland glaciers, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced.

The melting of ice in Greenland is closely monitored by the Danish server Polar Portal. According to the data, apart from Thursday, the melting reached another peak on Tuesday, when 8.4 billion tons of ice disappeared. According to WMO, it is a smaller amount in terms of weight than in 2019, when the ice melted even faster, but now the melting is affecting a much larger area.

“The melting has reached enormous proportions and is likely to change the face of Greenland, as it will only accelerate further defrosting and the associated rise in ocean levels in the coming years,” The Guardian quoted glaciologist Mark Tedesco of Columbia University as saying.

He described that during the current melting, the snow that had fallen in the winter had disappeared and exposed the core of the glacier. It is its melting that raises ocean levels.

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