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it may reflect the severity of the disease

“An excess of these bacteria could be responsible for the sporoportionate inflammatory response in the most severe forms of Sars-CoV-2 infection. But we don’t know if these alterations are the cause or consequence of the disorder”, explains immunologist Dagna.

The composition of the intestinal microbiota could reflect disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with the Covid-19. This is according to an observational study conducted by a team of researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong published in the scientific journal Gut. Analyzing hundred blood and stool samples Covid patients hospitalized researchers observed a lower presence of bacteria with a protective action compared to samples taken from healthy people. In this case it is not known whether this variation of the microbiota was a consequence or cause of Covid-19, but it is not the first time that the intestinal flora has been correlated with even serious pathologies. “After all, we have more bacterial cells in our body than human cells, so certainly the former have some influence. However, reconnecting any pathology or disorder to the microbiome is a different matter ”, Professor Lorenzo Dagna, head of Immunology, rheumatology, allergology and rare diseases of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, comments to Gazzetta Active.

What is the role of the gut microbiome in the immune system?
“We all have an incredible amount of bacterial cells that populate our body: they are found on skin surfaces, mucous membranes and, in particular, in the gastrointestinal tract. These bacteria live in a form of almost symbiosis with us and among other things they help to break down part of the foods we introduce into the digestive tract, making them more digestible and easily assimilated. The composition of the bacterial population of the microbiota differs from person to person and is believed to affect the immune system as well ”.

Even in the case of Covid-19?
“This study – which, let’s remember, is only observational – shows how patients who have had a markedly significant inflammatory response during Covid have a rather recurrent profile of intestinal bacteria, which they maintain even after clinical recovery. An excess of these bacteria could be responsible for sporoportionate inflammatory response which determines the forms more severe than Sars-CoV-2 infection. But we don’t know if these alterations are the cause or one of the consequences of the disorder. An association with some types of inflammatory microbiome and some serious cases of Covid has been found, but to date it is not known what comes first ”.

On a general level, a healthy microbiome helps the immune system?
“Multifactorial diseases or conditions such as tumors or Covid-19 cannot see their cause reduced to a single factor. However, there are predisposing factors and factors that can contribute. Surely the relationship between our immune system and the billions of bacteria that live in the intestine is an interesting aspect that must be verified. It is likely that an intestinal tract colonized by more permissive and less inflammatory germs could be a protection factor for some inflammatory diseases, but at the moment there are no clear and univocal data in this sense “.

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January 26, 2021 (change January 26, 2021 | 13:48)

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