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It is time to exercise our brain, can you solve these exercises?

The body and the mind work together in all its activities and applying brain gymnastics daily and from an early age will obtain positive long-term results.

According to María Cecilia Abad, Clinical psychologist, our brain should work or work 100%, but in reality this is not the case, so she stresses that it is important to put it into daily activity, make it a sponge, but above all not saturate it with a single activity.

But you will ask yourself: What is brain gymnastics and what is it for? It is the compendium of a number of exercises aimed at stimulating and developing brain capacities 100%, where through physical movements the emotions will connect, since in turn the brain will function as it should.

For Abad, with this type of exercise many diseases such as senile dementia and Alzheimer’s, related to memory loss, can be prevented. And that in certain cases they are usually hereditary, and it is there where we must try to train our brain.

Furthermore, it is important for solving problems like dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention deficit, concentration, and organization. “Remember that it is important to exercise our brain, but it should not be saturated,” said Abad.


Abad, who has his office today online, explained to METRO that dedicating 10 minutes a day with laterality exercises will be good to start with this type of dynamics, where the two hemispheres of the brain will work and activate our neurons.

We can start this routine at home by opening the doors with the left hand, thus we will begin to exercise our brain. Raise the left knee and touch it with the right elbow, and repeat the movement, but with the opposite leg and elbow.

Drawing the number 8 lying down is another alternative, to relax and relieve stress, which nowadays accompany those who do teleworking and even more so when work hours have increased.

Another important point for this stage of mental exercise is to go hand in hand with a good diet and healthy habits, including the quality of sleep, added Abad

Solve these exercises

Mental exercises

Mental exercises

Mental exercises

What does the expert say?

Who can practice brain gymnastics?

All, brain gym exercises can be started from an early age. There are exercises for both children over 5 years of age, for adults and the elderly. For example; Music is a tool used in this type of exercise, it stimulates the imagination, intelligence and creativity.

What are the most recommended exercises for older adults?

There is a variety for this group, and it is recommended to do them in the morning, to activate the brain and make it react better. For example; solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, word puzzles, and games like sudoku. And for those who are not at this age, keeping a journal and writing down the activities to do during the day helps to keep the mind active.

What would happen if we saturate our brains with negative news and only concerning our work?

We know that the current situation affects us in many ways, from the economic to the mental, and for this it is very important to set working hours, find ways to distract the mind with movies or other activities. This situation will bring us changes, but we will get used to it. Remember that accumulating stress will only present us with pictures of obfuscation and anger.

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