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“It is starting to be exhausting”, testify the health executives of the hospital of Sète

While the hospitals in the Thau Basin are appealing for solidarity: they need nurses to be able to continue to face the covid epidemic.

Fatigue on the face. But above all a great determination. To be treated. To secure the services of the Sète hospital. To allow caregivers to rest, to continue to hold out. The staff of the Thau Basin Hospitals have been mobilizing relentlessly in the face of the covid-19 epidemic for a year now. A long and exhausting year.

“The difficulty is adapting to everyday life. We don’t know what will happen from one day to the next. It’s complicated for the caregivers, but we do it. What begins to be exhausting is that it has been going on for a year. We are used to managing blank plans, in an emergency, with a road accident, it lasts three days, everyone is coming back. The specificity of the covid crisis is that it is long and the caregivers are still there. They are holding on. “

Recruit around ten nurses

And we must continue to hold on, testifies Angélique Gabata. This paramedical health executive works in Medicine A, a service dedicated to covid patients. While her establishment calls for help, urgently in need of nurses, she explains the reasons.

“You have to go back to your vacation, your weekly rest, overtime, but after a while it’s tiring. They also have to be able to take their vacation. staff. They also catch the covid. If we do not put the means in the workforce, we will not hold. The management understood it and follows us. ”

Especially since the third wave of covid “overwhelms” the establishment. On Thursday April 15, the Sète hospital reached a peak with 71 covid patients. It admits on average seven patients per day in medicine, has just opened a second covid sector in follow-up care and rehabilitation. Its intensive care and medical services are saturated.

“We need to recruit ten nurses. This would allow our professionals to benefit from leave”, specifies Muriel Dodero, director and general coordinator of the care of the HBT. She adds: “We had to restructure all our services. (…) We have clusters. We are facing a big wave of covid. We lack resources. We have secured the services, it is a necessity and an obligation. . (…) The professionals come back in overtime. Some, on a voluntary basis, have taken their leave to lend a hand. ” School nurses and retirees have also been called upon, for example.

Need a dozen nurses

The management of the Thau Basin hospitals is trying to quickly recruit around ten nurses. Staff wishing to apply can contact the care department and the human resources department. The different skills will then be distributed among the services where the needs are currently being felt. The objective is to allow caregivers on duty to rest a little while continuing to maintain optimal care in the various services, whether they are covid or not.

And to support with a smile: “We appeal to all wills to come and help us during this difficult period”.

To get vaccinated

The two women have one last message: “People need to get vaccinated!” In fact, since the vaccinations started, they have seen the patients who arrive in the covid services change: “We see more young people than a year ago. And we see that the vaccination works. We have not. of cases of person already vaccinated in our patients “. Getting vaccinated is also helping them.

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