Home » today » News » It is rumored that the electoral system will be changed to block the democratic faction in the 5 districts of direct elections. “Subdivide” the districts. Li Huiqiong: Support the central government to “embody governance” | Position Report | Position News

It is rumored that the electoral system will be changed to block the democratic faction in the 5 districts of direct elections. “Subdivide” the districts. Li Huiqiong: Support the central government to “embody governance” | Position Report | Position News

Xinhua News Agency recently published reports citing mainland legal scholars urging to change Hong Kong’s electoral system to ensure that “patriots govern Hong Kong.” Many local media quoted the establishment of a “blower”, saying that next month’s two meetings in Beijing will propose changes to the Hong Kong election system at all levels. .“Ming Pao” quoted more than one news report today (20th)In addition to the central government’s “surgery” on the seats of district councillors in the special committee and the “super-district” seats in the Legislative Council, the existing five districts of the Legislative Council have also been directly elected, “or the five major electoral districts will be subdivided into more districts.”

In response to the above news, the reporter of Position News asked Li Huiqiong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the chairman of the DAB, at a press conference today, whether he has ever heard of the relevant plan and the purpose of the “split” direct election zoning? Li said that he does not comment on the speculation, but he believes that any system, including the electoral system, must “advance with the times.” The central government has repeatedly emphasized that “patriots govern Hong Kong.” If the electoral system is reformed, it is also “a move to reflect governance and sovereignty.” “.

Tan Yaozong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and an adviser to the DAB at the press conference, also published an article in the media yesterday, calling for the adjustment of the Hong Kong election system and the implementation of “patriots ruling Hong Kong.” He said today that the content of the relevant article is “only personal opinion.” No issues related to Hong Kong have been included in the agenda of the two sessions in Beijing. However, he pointed out that the district council elections in the previous year were “not normal”. For example, the DAB candidates were shocked and their safety was threatened during election campaigns. It is worth studying how to improve the electoral system, but he does not consider it to suppress democrats. The most important thing is Ensure the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

Xinhua News Agency continuously publishes reports on supporting reforms to protect “patriots ruling Hong Kong”

Beijing will hold two sessions starting on the 4th of next month. Many local media recently cited information about the establishment of the system that Beijing will change the electoral system for the special committees, the Legislative Council, and the district councils, including the abolition of 117 district council seats, which will be filled by members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; “Parliament” seats; and once again used the epidemic as an excuse to postpone the Legislative Council election originally scheduled for September this year until after the election of the Election Committee in December.

When the news broke, the mainland party media “Xinhua News Agency” published exclusive interviews with legal scholars from Tsinghua University and Renmin University for two consecutive days, unanimously calling for reform of the Hong Kong election system to ensure that “patriots govern Hong Kong.” Yesterday (19) published a visit to Han Dayuan, a member of the Basic Law Committee and a professor at the Renmin University of China Law School. Han pointed out that it is necessary to improve the Hong Kong election system to implement “patriots ruling Hong Kong”, ensure the “security” of Hong Kong elections, and maintain national security. (Detailed coverage

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