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“It is not a whim”, budget request for judicial election: Taddei

Mexico City. The budget request of the National Electoral Institute (INE) for the judicial election is not a whim or an occurrence, said the president advisor, Guadalupe Taddei. He also stressed that if the Legislative Branch does not approve the 90-day extension for the preparation of the elections, they will be held “yes or yes”, on June 1, with levels of excellence.

For now, he said that he sees no risks for holding that election day and, on the other hand, they are open to making the administrative and operational adjustments that are necessary.

“At this moment there is no area that has told us ‘it can’t be done’, ‘the risk is very high’ and ‘we are not going to achieve it’. There isn’t a single one yet right now.”

He also maintained: “there is no plan A, plan B, plan C, that is not what we have called it. The budget established by the INE is not a capricious budget or taken out of nowhere, it is based on all the activities that the different technical areas establish.”

At a press conference, he pointed out that the request for an extension was a collegiate decision with the purpose of exploring all possibilities to have more time to prepare for this historic election.

“We cannot make a ‘there it goes’ request to Congress, I think it would be very irresponsible on the part of the INE, we do not act that way…We are also aware that if this is not approved, the Institute has to leave yes. or yes.”

The president of the Senate, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, made them aware this Thursday morning of the “complexities” of changing the date of the election and that this – the legislator told them – ‘would bring more complexities than benefits’, especially because different entities have already They made adjustments to their rules.

Given a possible refusal, the counselor indicated that they will have to reinforce the working hours.

“We are going to think that if we are training tomorrow and afternoon, then today we will train tomorrow, afternoon and night, intensifying all the work,” he added.

Regarding the budget request to make the judicial election possible (13,205 million pesos), he stressed that this was prepared based on an administrative methodology.

“It is not a matter of occurrences, it is a matter of what the electoral process costs, how we are sizing it,” he said.

Given a possible cut and the ratification that this election day will be held on June 1, as indicated in a transitional article of the constitutional reform, he indicated that elements such as the number of polling stations to be installed will be reviewed, whether 172 thousand – in accordance with the current size of the registry – or generate voting centers.

He also said that they analyze the type of security paper for the electoral ballots, the electoral geography and the way in which they can motivate citizens to go to the polls.

“Yes, all areas have been letting their creativity fly, their ability to propose, to recompose, to remake, but with a common denominator, ensuring that the electoral process goes and turns out well.”

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**Given the compressed timeline and budget constraints, what ‍specific measures could be taken‌ to ensure that‍ marginalized communities have⁣ equitable access to⁤ information and⁤ participation‍ in the judicial election?**

## Interview: The Mexican Judicial Election – Budget, Timing, and Challenges


Welcome to World Today News. Today, we’re discussing ‍the upcoming judicial election in Mexico and the complexities⁢ surrounding its ​execution. Joining us⁢ are [Guest 1 Name and Affiliation] and [Guest 2 Name and Affiliation], two respected voices in the field of electoral processes and political analysis.

**Section 1: The Budgetary Debate**

*⁣ **Interviewer:** Guadalupe Taddei, the president’s advisor, ‍has stated that the INE’s budget ​request for the judicial election is not a “whim,” but​ is ‌based on thorough calculations. [Guest 1], as someone⁢ with extensive experience in electoral ⁤budgeting, can you ⁢shed light on what factors typically contribute to determining the cost of such a large-scale election?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], some argue ⁢that the requested budget is excessive,⁤ particularly given the tight timeframe. What are your thoughts on the balance between ensuring a well-executed election and responsible fiscal management in ⁢this context?

**Section⁢ 2: The Timing⁤ Dilemma**

* **Interviewer:** The INE has requested a 90-day extension to prepare for⁤ the election, but the Senate President has expressed concerns about the complexities of changing the election date. [Guest 1], what are the potential ramifications of moving the election date, both for the INE and for the wider Mexican electorate?

* **Interviewer:** If the extension is not granted, the INE has indicated its willingness to adapt and ​proceed with⁤ the election on June 1st.‍ [Guest 2],⁣ how feasible do you⁣ think it is to hold a successful and credible election within the current timeframe? What‌ potential compromises might arise, and what could be the consequences of those compromises?

**Section 3: Ensuring Electoral Integrity**

* **Interviewer:** Maintaining transparency and public⁤ trust is crucial for any election. [Guest 1], can you elaborate on the specific measures the INE is considering to ensure the integrity of the voting process, especially given the compressed timeline?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], what role do you see civil society organizations playing in monitoring the electoral‍ process and upholding accountability? How‍ can they best contribute to a fair and transparent election?

**Section 4: Looking Ahead**

* **Interviewer**: This election is historic, ‍marking a significant moment in Mexico’s democratic development. ⁤ [Guest 1], what ​are your hopes for the outcome ⁢of this election, and what impact do you anticipate it will have on the future of Mexico’s judiciary?

* **Interviewer:** [Guest 2], what​ lessons do you ⁢believe ⁣can be learned from the challenges‍ and potential successes of‌ organizing this election, ​lessons that could be applied to future⁢ electoral‍ processes both in Mexico and beyond?


⁣We thank our guests, [Guest 1 Name] and [Guest 2 Name], for sharing their expertise and insights. The upcoming judicial election in Mexico is complex and multifaceted, presenting both challenges and opportunities. As we move ⁢closer to June 1st, ‌continued open dialog and informed public discourse are crucial for ensuring a democratic and fair electoral process.

**Note:** This​ interview format provides a flexible framework. You can adjust the specific questions, add follow-up inquiries, and tailor the discussion based on the ⁤expertise and perspectives of your chosen guests.

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