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It is no longer possible to return to the state before the pandemic. Let’s face it, experts advise

Many people around the world are clinging to the fact that the world will once again be the same as it was before the coronavirus pandemic broke out. Even state officials and experts.

However, according to some scientists, we should try to take into account that the situation will most likely never return to “normal”. At least not to the way we knew before the pandemic.

“Politicians who pretend to return to normal soon are deceiving either themselves or their constituents. Or both,” he said. CNN Professor Thomas Davenport of Babson College in Massachusetts.

“People tend to expect that change is only temporary and that the future will be reminiscent of our past. People who find it difficult to adapt to change cling to what they remember as normal,” says Davenport. According to him, it is understandable that some refuse to wear veils because they simply perceive it as a fleeting thing that is only to temporarily limit their lives.

Simply put, our brains tend to perceive disasters as temporary. But another part of our brains is very flexible and is able to adapt to change very quickly. This ability is technically called hedonic adaptation and represents a psychological process in which we emotionally cope with various life events. Positive and negative.

“At first we feel strong emotions. But then we adapt,” says psychology professor Sonja Ljubomirska of the University of California. We adopt the change, so in the end we consider it a normal state. According to her, wearing veils could become a normal part of our daily lives. “If it becomes a habit, it can survive. We already wash our hands more often without realizing it,” says Ljubomirska.

“In fact, we are more resilient than we think. So the future may be normal again, no matter how different,” he adds. According to her, the sooner we get used to the changes brought about by the pandemic, the sooner we will live a happy life again.

During the spring wave of the epidemic in the Czech Republic on TV Nova, psychologist Daniel Štrobl advised people on how to survive for a long time at home. Recall his advice in the video:

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