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It is necessary to know, 6 ways to prevent acute kidney failure in children

INDONESIAN INFO. JAKARTA – Recently, the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) stated that there were additional cases of acute kidney failure in children in Indonesia.

One case of acute kidney failure even died after being referred to RSCM. Therefore, parents are asked to be vigilant and make efforts to prevent it.

Then you need to know, six ways to prevent acute kidney failure in children:

Also Read: One Kidney Failure Patient Treated at Dr Moewardi Hospital, 10 Years Old

1. Exercising Routine

Launching from Halodoc.com, regular exercise can maintain kidney health by increasing the circulation of immune cells.

You don’t need to do strenuous exercise, just invite your little one to ride a bicycle together, swim or just play hide and seek outside the house. Find out what activities she enjoys and make them even more fun.

Also Read: Great! One Patient with Acute Kidney Disorder Dies, Here’s the Chronology

2. Meet the needs of fluids

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