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It is important to know the difference between Keratin, Smoothing, and Rebonding Treatments to Get Straight Hair, which one is the most suitable for you? – All Pages

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The difference between rebonding, smoothing and keratin treatments

Nakita.id – Until now, the trend straight hair and delicate is still favored by many women.

Many like the appearance of straight and smooth hair that looks suitable for both casual and formal events.

But, sure get straight hair and fine not as easy as you think.

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It takes natural hair care that is routinely done to get it.

However, if you want to get straight and smooth hair quickly, you can try salon treatments.

Did you know that there are 3 types of salon treatments for straightening hair, including keratin treatments, smoothing, and rebonding.

What are the differences between the three types of treatment? Here’s the review launches Bollywoodshaadis:


Hair straightening techniques with rebonding been popular for many years.

Rebonding so the solution for people with curly hair wants to be straight permanently.

Advantages of reboundg is hair that was originally very curly can be straight easily.

Rebonding can add shine and make it easier for you to manage your hair.

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There are three types of hair straightening techniques that Moms need to know


There are three types of hair straightening techniques that Moms need to know

Straight hair results from rebonding can last a long time.

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Sadly, rebonding has a weakness in the form of harsh chemicals that can cause some people to experience severe hair loss.

People who are not professional inrebonding can cause hair to curl and be difficult to repair.


Smoothing is a hair straightening technique that looks more natural.

Technical smoothing recommended for Moms who have basic wavy or slightly curly hair.

Results hair display smoothing is smooth but does not appear artificially straight.

Procedure smoothing including semi-permanent that does not change the structure of the hair completely.

Chemicals on smoothing also not too hard so there is little risk of damaging the hair.

Weaknesses of smoothing is the result does not last too long.

Other than that, smoothing must be done by a professional because if you do it wrong it can cause side effects such as irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract.

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Keratin therapy is a revolutionary procedure that focuses on protein formation.

It is very effective in dealing with damaged and unruly strands.

The advantage of keratin treatment is that it can moisturize the hair so that it is easy to manage.

Keratin treatments add nourishment to the hair, but may fade in a few months.

Fewer side effects of keratin treatment compared to smoothing and rebonding.

The downside of this technique is that it is expensive and requires expert hands.

That’s her Moms explanation of some hair straightening techniques.

Which one suits you the most?

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