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It is important to get an alternative assessment in the Tangen case – VG

Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Finance Jan Tore Sanner at a Conservative conference in Oslo on Tuesday. Sanner says he is awaiting the legal assessment of the Ministry of Finance’s opportunity to instruct Norges Bank. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB scanpix Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB scanpix

Minister of Finance Jan Tore Sanner (H) believes it was important to get an external review of how much room for maneuver he has vis-à-vis Norges Bank in the employment case.

The legal assessment is expected on Tuesday afternoon.

– It was important for me as Minister of Finance because I wanted to get an alternative assessment, Sanner says to NTB.

The Ministry of Finance has already made its own analysis of the questions. The conclusion was that the Minister of Finance has no instructional authority, and that the responsibility for the appointment lies with the Executive Board of Norges Bank.

Sanner responds as to whether it is frustrating for him to have limited room for maneuver:

– I think we should be happy that we in a country like Norway have clear roles, and that we respect the principle of distribution of power, he says and points out that the Storting passed amendments to the Central Bank Act as late as last summer.

Some parties are asking why Sanner asked an external law firm to make the assessment instead of using the ministry’s own law department.

– This is a discussion that has intensified in recent days. It would take significantly longer if we were to use the law department, which has many extensive cases, he says.

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