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It is hoped that the cabinet will have the courage to introduce the vaccina… – De Gooi

Jan-Kees Emmer

And we’re not done with that miserable coronavirus yet. While we have been promised a ‘Summer of Love’ this spring, the virus still has a grip on us like a lurking assassin.

Meanwhile, the delta variant races through our country and the ‘old normal’ seems like a mirage that just doesn’t get any closer. And as long as not everyone is vaccinated, it is unlikely that the virus will be trampled to such an extent that we regain our freedom completely. While three quarters of society has now received a shot and is therefore well protected against the serious consequences of Covid-19.

It is mainly thanks to a group of loud-mouthed people that the virus still has a grip on our lives. People who are not vaccinated under the influence of conspiracies on social media. It is a fanatic club of wandering souls who are completely captivated by the nonsense they are presented with in their bubble.

They increasingly feel misunderstood and unheard of. The angry stamping of the feet against vaccination is therefore becoming increasingly radical and threatening.

That became sadly clear last week when a dance school owner from Utrecht filed a report with the police. He asks his participants for proof of vaccination. When that became known, he was bombarded with threats. Discrimination, wail those who feel excluded.

But is this discrimination? Why should an entrepreneur not be allowed to decide for himself who he wants and who he does not want as a customer? Should such an entrepreneur then knowingly expose his vaccinated customers to unvaccinated people at the risk that they freely spread all kinds of mutations?

I give you a note that in the coming weeks the discussion about exclusive access with a vaccination certificate will also reach a boiling point in our country and tear our country into supporters and opponents.

The dilemma is therefore great, because the main thing is that vaccination is a personal choice. Refusal is a fundamental right. This makes the introduction of a vaccination certificate legally complicated. For how far can you go with the exclusion of those who have not been pricked? It is not for nothing that antivaxxers have chosen freedom as their symbol.

Yet the freedom claimed by the group of non-pickers is a false one. For their so-called freedom means the continued lack of freedom of all those who are adequately protected from the virus. In short, you are free not to be shot, but that does not mean that you also have the freedom to hold the others who have taken a shot hostage.

At the same time, the trend towards exclusion of unvaccinated people is unstoppable. The first steps have already been taken in the countries around us. In France and Italy you can no longer enter a restaurant or museum if you cannot prove that you are not infected. In fact, you will soon be allowed to return to the United States as a traveler, but only if you can prove that you have been fully vaccinated.

It is therefore hoped that the cabinet will have the courage after the holidays to follow the international trend and make the vaccination certificate or test certificate mandatory. That has nothing to do with discrimination, but with common sense.

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