Ho Tokieda (third from the left) talks about her feelings as a transgender woman at a press conference in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo on the 16th.
Amid discriminatory remarks made by a former secretary to the prime minister, the LGBT understanding promotion bill, which had been shelved, is under consideration. The LGBT Law Federation held a press conference in Tokyo on the 16th and called out, “False rumors are threatening the lives of those involved. We need a calm discussion.”
On SNS, there are posts such as “If the law is enacted, if a man says ‘He has a woman’s heart,’ he will enter the women’s bath.” The bill does not include changes to the rules for using public baths.
Yuichi Kamiya, secretary-general of the ministry, explained at the press conference, “Although approximately 60 local governments nationwide have enacted ordinances prohibiting discrimination against sexual minorities, there is no evidence that the rules for using public baths have changed or that society has become confused.” . Tokiedo, a transgender woman, said, “I live my life worrying about what other people think and how I am perceived in society. I want people to have a correct understanding.”
The association has started a campaign to send out the message “#Let’s eliminate transhate” on SNS. More than 30 researchers in women’s studies and gender studies agree. (Okunohi)