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It is convenient to have cops in New York public schools | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

of fbi internet crimes.yisel: amazing we arewatching these cases.on September 13 they startclasses in new york forgreater than 1,000,000 ofstudents. them and himschool staff will tendthan to wear masks.there was also a mandate ofvaccination, whilediscusses removing agents fromnypd school safety.but how prepared are wefor these changes?we discuss with ourLuis Miranda.gentlemen, our studentsin new york they arepreparing for the return tolessons.How do you see the requirements ofstudents and staff of theschools?are we really ready?>> believe they are mandatesnecessary.we have seen how themasks, although they have beenturned into a geopoitic,It shouldn’t be. people useAscara, students andteachers to protect themselves fromvirus. the vaccine is importantthat people have it.a study that has just beento do in new york out of 100people hospitalized 97 nothey were vaccinated. not even onethird of 1% finishedat the hospital.there they are mandatedimportant to openthe classes and schools ofa safe way.>> I understand that it is a questionpolitical, there are viewers whothey are not happy with whatI will say, but to protectto our children and so thatchildren do not return to a classin the computer.is what many teachers goto do if they start to get sickby covid.will return to study in thecomputer.we saw that that was anightmare last year.I am the father of a child inpublic school and my boysuffered a lot studentstudying under thosecircumstances open dangerousto have a child …we want to beconservatives and say noto the mask.if not, a private school andwho pay taxes in thecity ​​wants its ownpolitics and its own rules,are legal issues, but notI want no excuse from partof the teachers say thatthey want to go back to that messwhat happened last year,when the children barelythey learned nothing and youyou know.yisel: another topic being discussedis the theme of the 5000 agentsschool safety associateswith the nypd.you think thishelped create an atmosphereappropriate wings, luis?Luis: It is sad that thenew york public schoolshave the cops whosocial workers andcounselors.we understand that it hasthere must be security agents.there will always be someonestudent or any adult whofreak out, but thereality is that we need aschool where the purposeprincipal of teachers andstudents will study. aithat the way we candeal with conflict other thanas if it were a field ofbattle, is what we have todo.jc: I am a teacher athigh school, youthey live in a world of fantasy,that you think you shouldn’t havearmed cop at schoolpublic.the reality is that gangsin numbers gates in ourschool create a great terrorfor students whothey want to study and learn.right now in the spherepublic there is a verydangerous for parents andstudents.cops are needed toprotect students andlet them study.yisel: thank you both for

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