When dried fruit hurts and should be reduced or even avoided. There are situations in which it is advisable to let it go, and they are all important.
Dried fruit is bad, in some cases. And this is confirmed by several studies conducted on the matter. Although almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and so on are recommended by various nutritional experts, it must also be said that dieticians and nutritionists suggest not going beyond a certain amount per day.
You should eat about thirty grams to get all the benefits it can provide. Between fibers, mineral substances and more, it is important to have a correct intake of dried fruit on a daily basis, which however undoubtedly hurts in certain situations. Especially if there are pre-existing conditions.
For even what is good can harm in the end, if you go overboard with the portions. Think of salad, which if eaten in excessive quantities leads to feeling bloated. Same thing if you end up drinking too much water. Even with dried fruit it hurts an excessive intake. Worse still if we are already dealing with specific situations concerning our health.
Dried fruit is bad, what happens if you eat it in these cases

It is known that the same is very popular especially during the Christmas holidays. But be careful, it should be absolutely avoided for those who suffer from certain specific conditions. Such as allergies or intolerances. Even those prone to obesity should be cautious.
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In fact, packaged dried fruit contains absolutely positive substances for the correct functioning of the organism.
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But with in addition also salt and added preservatives to give the product a more marked flavour. And this is obviously not good for health. In the event of an excessive presence of salt, those at risk are those who are subject to it to hypertension.
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And then, if they occur with punctual regularity digestive system disorders, dried fruit is usually one of those foods that should be avoided.
Situations such as colitis, colic and ulcers they require you to be careful in terms of nutrition. And indeed, if these disturbances persist, it is advisable to request a consultation from your general practitioner and also from a specialist, sipping the consumption of dried fruit as much as possible.