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“It hasn’t gone well” – 2024-09-29 06:52:23

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo is accused of a lack of leadership and the government’s confused foreign policy. Orpo admitted on Saturday that the process has not gone well.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (kok) had to respond to accusations of a lack of leadership and the government’s confused line of foreign policy and economic policy.

Orpo’s leadership is questioned in the opposition, for example by stating that the real leader of the government is Finance Minister Riikka Purra (ps).

Orpo denied the accusations directed at him by referring to the results obtained by the government he led, among other things in economic adjustment measures, implementing labor market reforms and responding to the challenges caused by Russia.

He questioned the traditional “devil management style”.

Orpo prefers conversational and negotiating management.

– Such a time where people talk like “management by the devil”, that’s not how people are managed in modern times.

– I strongly believe in leadership that it is done between people, by talking, building trust and solving problems, Orpo said.

According to the prime minister, the current government works better than the previous two governments he has been part of.

– In internal work, the board’s decision-making is better than before.

-Less arguments and clearly let’s move forward, Orpo said.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (kok) responded to government criticism on Saturday. Inka Soveri

In recent days, among other things, the government’s confused economic line has caused confusion.

Finance Minister Purra said on Thursday that the deficit target recorded in the government program is no longer valid.

The Prime Minister, on the other hand, still assured on Saturday that the deficit target recorded in the government program has not been abandoned.

According to the government program, the deficit of the public finances should be no more than one percent of the gross domestic product by 2027.

Iltalehti asked the prime minister who was telling the truth: Orpo or Purra.

-Both, Orpo answered.

He explained his answer by stating that the central goal of the government’s economic policy is to reduce indebtedness in relation to the gross domestic product.

– That’s what we’re going to do.

According to Orpo, another goal is that Finland does not fall into the EU’s excessive deficit procedure.

– This third one is better calculated. That’s a tough goal.

According to Orpo, the goal is not given up, even though it has run away.

– It’s honest to say – what I know Purra is referring to is that it’s far away at the moment.

Orpo said that he believes that the goal can still be reached with the government’s growth measures.

A confusing line

The opposition government is also called to account because of the confused foreign policy.

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Development, among others, has caused a stir Town Tavion (ps) decision according to which Finland does not participate in the equality alliance for the reconstruction of Ukraine, because the program also promotes the rights of sexual minorities.

Tavio did not inform the President of the Republic, Alexander Stubb, who manages foreign policy together with the Government, of his decision, who had to intervene afterwards “Over Orpo’s head”.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister repeated his mantra that there is nothing unclear about the line of Finland’s foreign security policy in the big picture.

Orpo said that the key decision-makers of foreign and security policy will review the issues next week at the TP-UTVA meeting.

Orpo was asked if Finland can still join Ukraine’s equality alliance, i.e. reject Tavio’s decision.

The Prime Minister did not agree to answer the question directly, but hinted that a solution could be found going forward.

– We are going through this matter and I am quite sure that there are already solutions to move forward.

Minister Tavio threw more fuel into the value debate related to the government’s foreign policy by stating in an interview with HS that one way to support sexual minorities is to fight Islamization.

Orpo was asked on Saturday how important he considers fighting Islamization to support sexual minorities?

– Sometimes it can be wise not to comment on the thinking of an individual minister out loud, Orpo said.

A cracking question

In the government’s foreign policy, the Israel and Palestine policy has also caused consternation, on which the governing parties do not have a common understanding.

Finland voted at the UN last Wednesday in favor of declaring Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories illegal. The decision drew criticism from the governing party KD and basic Finns.

According to Orpo, the voting decision is in line with the long line of Finnish foreign policy.

– We have been of the opinion in Finland for a long time that the settlements are illegal.

-One can disagree on these issues, but this is in line with the Finnish foreign policy line and the government’s policy line, Orpo said.

Orpo was asked why KD and PS do not understand Finland’s and the government’s line, but argue publicly about the issue.

– In my opinion, there has been more public discussion about the process and how the decisions are made.

– We also go through these external security policy decision processes, Orpo repeated.

According to the Prime Minister, issues in the Middle East divide both citizens and politicians, and this is also reflected in the coalition government.

– We have people who are very strongly on Israel’s side. We have people who are very strongly on the Palestinian side, and also within the government there is a difference between the parties here.

According to Orpo, you can disagree in Finland and in the government.

– The government, together with the president, defines the line of foreign policy and security policy and acts accordingly, Orpo said.

However, the Prime Minister admitted that it is good to go through the process with the ministers.

– It hasn’t gone quite right then, if such a public discussion arises from it, Orpo said.

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