Jakarta –
Floods with a height of 70 centimeters (cm) are still flooding Bitung toll road, Tangerang from Jakarta direction. Until this morning, access to the toll booth has been closed since Sunday evening (13/11).
“The information to exit Bitung at this time is not yet available, because there is still a 50 to 70cm water hole,” the official said. call center PT Jasa Marga, Rina, when contacted at 06.04 WIB.
Rina said it is not certain when access to the Bitung toll will be opened. Currently the officers are still carrying out the desludging efforts.
“Yes, that’s right (water mining is still going on),” he said.
Puddle inside Bitung Highway the impact of the flooding of the Sabi and Cisadane rivers on the toll road section was verified. The floods have been monitored since Sunday (13/11) at 20.50 WIB. If you count down to this morning at 0600 WIB, the flood more or less inundated this area for 33 hours.
“Flooding on SS Bitung Jakarta-Tangerang toll road occurred due to heavy rain on Sunday, November 13, 2022, as well as high water discharge of Kali Manis river, so that the water outflow entered the road body said Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Chief Marketing and Communications Department.
Watch the video ‘Puddle has not receded, GT Bitung exit access from Jakarta is still closed’: