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It has become a lot more expensive to (re) build a house

Wood is popular

The prices of wood are rising so fast because building with wood is very popular at the moment. For example, it is relatively durable. Buijs: “Because it is lighter, you have less CO2 emissions during transport, and it also absorbs CO2. It is also easy to process, because it is a natural material. Wood is also often used in prefab construction, so you have less staff needed. ” Timber frame construction is suitable for houses, but not residential towers. There, steel or concrete is still needed in the construction.

The popularity of timber construction is not limited to the Netherlands, notes Joost Niesten, project manager at construction company Koenen in Nijmegen, which produces, among other things, prefab timber structures: “Our hallways are now full of wood, because we have to stock up. it seems that China and America need a lot of wood and are outbidding everywhere. “

Who will pay for the price increase?

The price increases have made a construction project that started last year much more expensive. And not only the raw materials have increased in price, but also materials that are made from those raw materials. Expensive wood or metal also means more expensive pallets and screws. “A screw like that – and you need quite a bit of it for a construction project – is of course also included in the price.” Niesten says.

The question is who will pay that price increase. Normally, a price increase of 1 to 5 percent is for the account of the contractor, and this is included in the budget. This is possible, because large price increases do not occur often. Until now.

Industry association Bouwend Nederland therefore advises its members to lay down in the contract who will pay price increases above 5 percent. Niesten is also working on this: “We will have to pass on major price increases to the client. We also have to earn our living.”

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