Home » today » News » It got heated after a demonstration by the residents, Gus Samsudin’s Padepokan was guarded by the police

It got heated after a demonstration by the residents, Gus Samsudin’s Padepokan was guarded by the police


A number of residents of the Kademangan sub-district studied the Nur Dzat Sejati hermitage belonging to Gus Samsudin. Residents asked that the hermitage be closed.

A hot atmosphere occurred in front of Gus Samsudin’s hermitage. A number of residents asked for the hermitage because it was suspected of deceiving the residents with the mode of treatment/rukiyah.

“All residents agreed, especially the residents of Rejowinangun agreed to close this hermitage,” said one resident who did not want to be named at the time. detikJatimSunday (31/7/2022).

Not only that, the residents also considered that so far the hermitage was considered disturbing. According to him, residents have wanted to close the hermitage for a long time. However, only moved spontaneously this afternoon.

“So that there will be no fraud. We come peacefully, so that it is closed. Not only because it is viral, all residents do not believe it,” he explained.

The same thing was conveyed by another resident, Ghofur. He said the residents urged that the hermitage belonging to Gus Samsudin be closed because it was suspected of deceiving many people.

“It’s a pity that people who seek treatment have been duped. It’s a pity for them. That’s why residents asked for this to be closed,” he explained

Monitoring detikJatim, more than a thousand residents came to Gus Samsudin’s Nur Dzat Sejati hermitage. Now the hermitage is closely guarded by security forces.

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