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IT glitch disabled people’s requests for climate change | SN.at

The initiators of the climate change request complained on Monday that the server had collapsed on the last day of the registration week and therefore the signatures had been lost. They therefore asked for the registration week to be extended by one day. The Ministry of the Interior said that the technical problems only lasted around 15 minutes.

The initiators of the climate change request reported numerous messages that people could not give their signatures using a cell phone signature or even had to be sent away from offices because the server had collapsed. Katharina Rogenhofer, the spokeswoman for the desire, spoke of “incredible cheek and mockery of direct democracy and people. In addition, these ailments falsify the result. Such a breakdown series is simply not worthy of a democracy like the Austrian one.” She asked for the registration week to be extended by one day and for the population to be fully informed.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry confirmed on APA request that there were technical problems in the IT area at around 10.20 on Monday. However, these were rectified immediately, and after about 15 minutes a smooth process could be guaranteed.

The spokeswoman for the climate change request pointed out that there were massive technical problems even on the first day of the registration week. The Ministry of the Interior said that technical problems caused by an IT service provider from the municipalities were responsible at the time.

The Greens agreed to the initiators of the climate change request to extend the registration deadline for the initiative by one day. Climate protection spokesman Lukas Hammer told APA that every supporter must have the fair opportunity to sign.

To explain the Ministry of the Interior that the technical problems had been resolved after around 15 minutes, Hammer found that this was not in line with the reports he had received from the population. He had received information that there were problems around 8.30 a.m. and that people could not sign before work as planned. That must be clarified.

In addition to the climate change petition, the registration deadline for four further referendums ends today – two on the smoking ban (Smoke – YES, Smoke – NO), one on EU contribution / asylum and one for the Euratom exit. The interior ministry will announce how many supporters each found the five referendums at around 8:30 p.m.

Those: APA

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