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“It doesn’t solve the structural problem”

Too many patients, but not enough nursing staff. This is the summer equation for some hospitals. In Trévenans in the Territoire de Belfort, the only one in the area to provide continuous care, the white plan has been triggered.

The crisis in the public hospital continues. There are too many patients to care for and not enough nursing staff to take care of them. As in the Nord Franche-Comté hospital in Trévenans, which sometimes receives 250 patients per day, when it would need 100 fewer to operate properly. It is the only one in the area to provide continuous care.

Faced with this situation, there was no choice, the hospital activated its white plan on Saturday. This is a crisis management system for establishments facing peaks in activity. This allows, for example, to mobilize additional resources. But no new recruitments.

A temporary solution

So, according to Mélanie Meier, nursing assistant and general secretary of the CFDT union within the hospital, this new white plan is only a temporary solution in the face of the saturation of the hospital.

“We are seeing about 100 too many patients per day in the emergency room. When you find yourself with patients who have to relieve themselves on a stretcher behind a screen in the middle of other patients, it is not a satisfactory level of care. The teams are tired because these white plans do not give us a sustainable solution, do not solve the structural problem of the hospital. We are afraid that the conditions at the start of the school year will not be much better at the start of the school year given the recruitment prospects. Starting the school year in such a state of fatigue risks being complicated for the future,” she assures.

Patients are asked to call 15 before going to the emergency room, or to contact their doctor.

Chloé Lagadou with Guillaume Descours

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