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It can’t be done anymore

today 19:15

Problems accompany him throughout his career, and although it may seem like everything is over, the opposite is true. Czech national hockey goalkeeper Patrik Bartošák attacked his own father a few days ago.

His problems first reached the public in 2015. Overseas, where he worked in the AHL farm, he was accused of domestic violence. He was supposed to threaten, beat and strangle his then girlfriend. The Los Angeles Kings terminated his contract and his chances of the NHL went out. Police took him into custody and released him after paying a $ 10,000 bail.

He went back from the overseas to the Czech Republic, where he worked his way up to Třinec, where he terminated his contract with him in November 2019 after the police caught him behind the wheel with alcohol in his blood. “I got into personal trouble that forced me to interrupt my career. I am struggling with a mental illness, I sought out experts and underwent treatment, “ he spoke after this incident.

In the same season 2019/20 he went to catch in the Swedish second league MoDo. He started the next year in Lahti, Finland, and last year he caught in the KHL for Amur Khabarovsk and again Lahti, where he was to start next season.

He may have seemed to have solved his problems, but after his father confessed iSport.cz it seems that everything is different and the goalkeeper, who was part of the Czech team at this year’s Olympics, could not solve his problems.

“We agreed to guard our grandson. We went after him. While I was going there, his wife’s father called me to say that Patrik was probably flying again and they were scared. Wouldn’t I talk to him fatherly. I tried, but it turned out that he grabbed me by the throat, pulled me down the hall and threw me at the neighbor’s door, ” revealed Dušan Bartošák, who is unable to work after this incident on June 4.

What provoked his son? “I warned him that he was responsible for his two children and his wife, who is after the recent cesarean section and should behave accordingly. Not like a cad and walk every day under the influence of addictive substances. I do not speak alcohol on purpose. “

He could not say whether he was under the influence of the incident, but according to him he did not get rid of the problem for which he ended up in Třinec. That’s why he reported him to the police. “I wouldn’t deal with it like this … A parent will do a lot for his child, but … If I covered for him, he would try to cover it up or downplay it, I would be responsible in the future if something worse happened to someone. I don’t want that anymore. I’m badly told about it, but I can’t do otherwise. “

According to his father, Patrik Bartošák made several similar physical attacks. One case happened when he returned from America, after attacking his girlfriend. “He broke the glass door at home with me then. He also held me by the throat. He attacked my brother in a pub at family reunion. Her older and younger brother, even at their own wedding a year ago. He also had a conflict with his former brother-in-law. It really doesn’t go that way anymore. “

Feedback or apology never came. When his father called him to act like a coward, he replied that nothing like that had happened.

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