Home » today » Business » it can take everything, but not this type of card that many use

it can take everything, but not this type of card that many use

In this last period the attention is triangulating on Fisco, cards (debit, credit and prepaid) and foreclosure. It is no coincidence that everything is definitely turning in the direction of a farewell to cash. They want to keep everything under control with the specific aim of creating reliable economic profiles for individuals, legal entities and businesses.

It has therefore started to talk about forced withdrawal from current accounts with the complicity of the banks and the action of the authorities operating in the compartment of the Judiciary and the Guardia di Finanza. In particular, the faculty of empty credit card and prepaid as well as current accounts active in BNL, Unicredit, Sanpaolo and other institutions.

There is however a type of anonymous card that cannot be reset. It is particularly useful and convenient and many are using it to continue moving small amounts of money away from the eyes of the control agencies. Let’s find out what they are.

The Revenue cannot access this type of card, money safe

The tax control action is triggered if a financial offense is suspected or found. Situations that trigger the alarm are, as already seen, tax evasion and debt for low liquidity.

In some cases it is legitimate to think that it is possible to go against the regime of expropriation of personal property to an extent suitable to fill the generated financial gap. It takes place with access to all kinds of heritage but not for the so-called bearer cards.

Such devices can be thought of as a sort of disposable SIM through which to send and receive money. They do not show the user’s name and surname and therefore they cannot be identified. Once used, they must be discarded just like a prepaid phone card.

Another solution passes through the carte revolving, in whose terms the system of payment in installments which carries out the economic comparison with the bank rather than with the interested seller.

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