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It became known when stocks of foreign electronics will run out in Russia

It will be possible to avoid a shortage of computers in the second half of the year if the parallel import mechanism starts working in Russia.

Stocks of foreign electronics and household appliances in warehouses and on the shelves of Russian stores will last until the summer.

This is reported “Economic Truth” with reference to the Russian newspaper Izvestia.

According to the interlocutors of the publication, the forecast is fair if there is no rush demand for equipment in Russia and the consignments of goods ordered back in winter, which are “stuck in Europe,” will be brought to the country.

Some of them suggested that the reserves would run out only in August-September. Against the backdrop of difficulties with the supply of components and finished products, the assortment in stores may narrow, said a representative of the association of manufacturers and sellers of electronics RAEC.

“A source in one of the retail chains noted that due to rising prices and against the background of the fact that in late February – early March, the demand for electronics was rush, sales in May could drop sharply.

Another interlocutor of the newspaper drew attention to the fact that it would be difficult to replace certain categories of equipment and electronics with other brands in a short time: we are talking about premium household appliances, flagship smartphones and smart watches, game consoles and other gadgets.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation assured that it monitors the situation in retail chains that sell household appliances and electronics.

As of April 13, sufficient stocks of refrigerators, washing machines, smartphones, electric kettles, TVs, desktop computers, microwave ovens, gas and electric stoves with ovens have been formed, the ministry says.

There are no new shipments to Russia yet. It will be possible to avoid the shortage of computers in the second half of the year if the parallel import mechanism works in Russia – the import of products into Russia without the permission of the copyright holder, then the consignments of goods can come from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

“According to the interlocutor of the newspaper, parallel imports theoretically allow the importation of millions of gadgets. However, the regularity of such deliveries is unpredictable, because dealers may not have the right amount of goods.

In addition, among the risks of such imports are the lack of guarantees from the manufacturer, proprietary service and support, the inability to connect some functions,” the newspaper sums up.

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