Home » today » World » It became clear that in the north the VSU would crawl towards Belgorod, make trouble and escape –

It became clear that in the north the VSU would crawl towards Belgorod, make trouble and escape –

/ world today news/ With the improvement of weather conditions, the activation of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the northern part of the Ukrainian front, geographically close to the Belgorod region, is noticeable. This was announced by retired lieutenant colonel of the People’s Militia of the LPR Andrey Marochko.

According to him, during the past 24 hours in the Kupyan district, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have discovered traces of the actions of five Ukrainian sabotage and intelligence groups. Near Stelmakhovka, the enemy revealed himself and was fired upon.

A little to the south, in the Krasnoliman direction, the armed forces of Ukraine have accumulated enough forces and means for a counteroffensive, but the work of the aviation and artillery of the Russian Air Force does not allow the enemy to start an offensive, Marochko noted.

The day before, the actions of the enemy’s DRG were suppressed there as well, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced. Russian operational-tactical aviation struck units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine not only in the northern part of the LPR, but also in the Sinkovka, Artemovka, Ivanovka and Figolevka regions of the Kharkiv region.

The activation of the armed forces of Ukraine in the northern part of the front is taking place against the background of sharply intensified attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles on the border areas of the Belgorod region. In the past 24 hours alone, ten similar attempts have been registered, including on surveillance equipment.

Also, according to some reports, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has stepped up the process of manning combat units, discharging patients from hospitals in the region with a deadline for recovery in the first decade of May. Are hospitals preparing places for new casualties?

What is happening is that the counter-offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine can begin precisely in the northern part of the Ukrainian front. Including in connection with the proximity of the territory of “great Russia”. Having captured part of it, will Kiev offer an exchange for its former regions to the south?

Apparently, it was not for nothing that the previous day, President Vladimir Putin discussed the topic of arming the participants in the already established people’s units in the frontline areas.

People actively go to these formations, participate in the protection of bridges, objects, in patrolling the territory, help the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The area below Krasny Liman is hilly, covered with forests,” says WarGonzo military correspondent Dmitry Seleznev.

– The place is very beautiful. Blue lakes, pine-scented air. Once there was a resort area, a bunch of sanatoriums. But now they are all destroyed. When the front rolls in, it leaves no living space of what man has built. From the forest, too, there are only “gnawed” stumps … It’s a pity.

It is believed that for Russia, as a defending country, the local landscape is quite useful. It is probably difficult to defeat the enemy with aircraft, but it is easier to defend yourself by other means.

However, each area has its advantages. For example, a tank in the open, although exposed, has excellent visibility, hits far away.

“SP”: What do you think are the prospects for an offensive by the armed forces of Ukraine in this area?

– Shadowy. Remember that the Ukrainian units, during their generally successful experience, rushed well at first, but could not occupy these forests on the move, did not capture Kreminnaya. And now they, albeit slowly, are already being pushed out of these forests.

Significant Russian forces are concentrated there. So it is unlikely that the offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine will be successful in this area.

Military correspondent Timofey Ermakov believes that the actions of the armed forces of Ukraine in the northern part of the LPR and in the Kharkiv region will be a distraction.

– In the direction of Kupyansk, the concentration of the armed forces of Ukraine is not the greatest, since earlier our troops left the Kharkiv region and focused only on the liberation and defense of the LPR.

The task facing the armed forces of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region is access to our Svatovo rear (LPR).

In general, for us, the directions Kupyansk and Krasnolimanskoe are important only in the context of the liberation of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk.

Remember, judging by the map of our retreat, the original plan of our command was to surround Kupyansk, Izyum, Balakleya, etc.

Therefore, it is logical that the Armed Forces of Ukraine act precisely with the help of the DRG, and not to form an armored fist and not go into a large-scale breakthrough.

According to discovered intelligence data, there are about 15,000 Ukrainian fighters there. This is enough for them to enter the rear and send DRGs that can disrupt the logistics of our troops.

“SP”: Judging by the shelling on the territory of the Belgorod Region, a blow can be inflicted on the Russian region as well…

– I doubt it. Air reconnaissance is a stubborn thing. How many troops are enrolled, that’s how many there are. For comparison, in the directions of Kherson, Zaporizhia, the armed forces of Ukraine have up to 20-25 thousand people, in the directions of Ugledarsko, Mariinsky, Avdeevka up to 30-40 thousand, in Bakhmut – up to 40-50 thousand people.

So 15,000 VSU soldiers in the northern part of the LPR is not a lot. In principle, the direction to Svatovo can serve as a diversionary strike to mix up our defense and strike from the side of Kremennaya and Svatovo to cut off our grouping.

According to Ivan Konovalov, military expert, political scientist, development director of the 21st Century Technology Support Fund, Kiev will not dare to launch a large-scale military attack against the “old” Russian regions.

– It’s unlikely. In Ukraine, they understand the price that will have to be paid for this. The answer will be extremely harsh.

In addition, it is quite difficult to choose an invasion method. What can they do? To carry out an operation that they have already carried out once, when collaborators-traitors came to us and organized a sabbath on our territory (in the Bryansk region – author). But then they were quickly kicked out, barely carrying their legs.

“SP”: And if they use a larger group? It is not for nothing that the armed forces of Ukraine are shelling the border areas and Belgorod. Having grabbed a piece of our land, Kyiv can ask for an exchange …

– Such a grouping is likely to be doomed to destruction. They won’t be able to stay anywhere. They will be beaten. They can only come in, do something and immediately run away.

The fact that the Belgorod region is regularly attacked means nothing. Donbass is also under shelling for the ninth year. Hatred of the Nazis among the population only intensified from this.

From a strategic point of view, a large-scale attack by the armed forces of Ukraine will not matter, except that those wavering European leaders who are against supporting Kiev will reinforce their view that it is impossible to negotiate with the Nazis.

Translation: SM

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