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Issues Close to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, AKP Rita Yuliana Ever Married?

Jakarta, Insertlive

The name of AKP Rita Sourcha Yuliana was later highlighted in the murder case of Brigadier J alias Yoshua Hutabarat.

Rita is said to have a special relationship with Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

This made Rita hastily give a response regarding the issue of her special relationship with Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Through an upload on her Instagram account @ritasorchayuliana, Rita answered several netizen questions who asked the policewoman to provide clarification regarding her relationship with Ferdy.

“Please clarify, ma’am, if this mother is not the general’s mistress, so that your good name will be clean,” ask account @sup***.

“Thank you, it will be clarified later,” replied Rita.

“Mrs Pol is in the news,” you took @int***

“Thank you monitor,” Rita replied in the comments column.

The issue of AKP Rita Yuliana having a special relationship with Inspector General Ferdy Sambo started from a Twitter user.

“Sambo has a lot of doubts, policewoman with the rank of AKP Rita Yuliana akpol 2013, the information is that the policewoman will resign at the request of FS and is being processed.” fill in the account tweet @m_m***.

Meanwhile, rumors circulated that Rita Yuliana had been married and had a child.

This was seen through the Twitter account @Tata241Rita which allegedly belongs to Rita Yuliana.

Twitter account allegedly belongs to Rita Yuliana/ Photo: twitter.com-

In several uploads, it appears that Rita Yuliana shows herself being pregnant and her intimacy with her husband.

However, another issue arose that Rita and her husband had divorced.

On the other hand, the Head of the Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo had been secured to the Mobile Brigade Headquarters on Saturday (6/8) night.

Ferdy Sambo was arrested on suspicion of violating the code of ethics behind the death of his aide, Brigadier J.


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