Home » today » Health » ISSEMYM receives 193 blood donations through its annual collection – Edoméx Informa

ISSEMYM receives 193 blood donations through its annual collection – Edoméx Informa

· It will be of vital importance for the care of emergency patients.

· They invite people to donate altruistically any day of the year.

TOLUCA, State of Mexico.- During the 2024 altruistic blood donation drive of the Social Security Institute of the State of Mexico and Municipalities (ISSEMYM), 193 units of blood were collected, which will be vital for the care of patients in a state of emergency, among other medical treatments.

On the last date, donations were made at the Medical Center and the Regional Hospital of Toluca. Those in charge of the Blood Services area highlighted that 80 units of blood were obtained from both locations.

It is worth noting that, on the first date of this campaign – which took place at the State Oncology Center – 64 units were collected; later, on the second date at the ISSEMYM Ecatepec Medical Center, 49 units of the vital liquid were collected.

It is estimated that in Mexico the percentage of altruistic donors is 3 percent and the rest of the donations are for replacement or family members. Adults are the ones who most come to donate; hence the invitation for more young people to join this noble cause.

With the Power to Serve and under the motto “Behind every donor there is a hero”, all volunteers went through the selection process, accompanied by the health personnel who guided them; later, in the blood extraction area, the specialists proceeded to collect an average of 450 milliliters of blood from each volunteer.

Following the corresponding protocols, after the extraction, the donors were taken to the rest area where they were given a snack to avoid a decompensation.

During the event, information was provided about the benefits of donating blood and how this act of solidarity can make a big difference in the lives of many people.

ISSEMYM reminds us that each person who donates blood benefits four others. It also points out that to be a donor you must be between 18 and 65 years old and be in good health.

Anyone interested in donating can go to the blood banks located in the third-level medical units of this Institute.

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