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ISS Cracks, Space Station Scientist Pessimistic Can’t Be Repaired

Suara.com – The rift that occurred in Space Station International (ISS) made scientists pessimistic that the station was beyond repair.

The ISS was originally designed to be used for 15 years, but the station has been in operation for more than two decades.

Officials warned that a new crack in one of the modules and outdated equipment could soon result in irreparable damage. This could potentially lead to the ISS’s premature destruction.

According to Russian rocket engineers, a new crack in the Zarya module, which is the oldest part of the ISS and is currently only used to store Russian equipment, could deteriorate over time.

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Experts previously warned that the ISS would experience problems from 2024 due to aging equipment and hardware.

Reported from Independent, Thursday (2/9/2021), Roscosmos, Russia’s space agency, is only contracted to remain on the ISS until 2024.

Russian space agency Roscosmos. [Shutterstock]

NASA previously also set the year to retire the ISS.

However, NASA is pushing the station’s usage deadline to 2030 in the hope that the ISS will still survive, although that seems very unlikely.

Earlier in March, NASA official Phil McAlister also warned that the ISS could suffer an irreparable anomaly and that handovers to private and commercial companies would begin later this decade.

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NASA administrator Bill Nelson reveals the space agency’s plans to replace the ISS with a commercial station.

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