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Israeli Special Forces Operation in Jenin: 3 Militants Killed at Hospital

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The operation in Jenin was carried out by an Israeli special forces unit. It also includes women

time ago

The Israeli army confirmed that its special forces carried out an operation at the Ibn Sina hospital in Jenin in the West Bank, killing three militants hiding there. Earlier, Palestinian sources reported that Israeli soldiers in civilian clothes burst into the hospital building and killed three young men.

Palestinian authorities have accused Israel of another massacre at a humanitarian site. According to them, the Israeli military often carries out similar raids on hospitals in the Palestinian territories.

Israel points out that such operations are carried out extremely rarely, in emergency cases, and in this situation, Israeli intelligence had information that one of the killed was preparing to commit a terrorist attack.

All three, according to the Israeli side, were associated with a terrorist group subordinate to Hamas, and were not patients at the hospital, but were only hiding inside the building.

CCTV footage shows people in civilian clothes – men and women, some in medical uniforms – walking down the corridor with weapons in their hands. It is reported that these are soldiers of the special forces of the Israeli special forces.

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Participants in the Israeli operation in Jenin were dressed in civilian clothes, some in medical uniforms

The Hamas leadership confirmed that one of those killed, Muhammad Jalamna, was a member of the group, and the other two, brothers Muhammad and Basil Al-Ghazawi, were members of the Islamic Jihad group.

The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that the slain Hamas member was one of the masterminds and organizers of the attack on Israel on October 7 last year, in which more than 1,200 Israelis were killed and more than 200 were taken hostage.

Escalation in the West Bank

After the Hamas attack on Israel and the start of the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip, the situation also worsened significantly in the West Bank.

Israel expanded its military presence in this territory due to increased terrorist activity by the Palestinians, the center of which was Jenin.

According to the UN, 357 Palestinians have been killed in clashes with the IDF over the past period. Israel says most of them were militants.

Palestinian sources say attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian villages have killed at least eight Palestinian civilians since October last year.

During the same period, at least 10 Jewish residents of the West Bank were killed by Palestinians.

International mediators fear the sting operation at the hospital will undermine their efforts to achieve the next stage of the release of Israeli hostages.

On Tuesday morning it became known that last weekend in Paris, representatives of the United States, Qatar, Egypt and Israel agreed on a plan for another ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, within the framework of which Hamas was asked to release another part of the hostages.

Earlier, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said that the group’s leadership would consider the proposal, but this was before the events in Jenin.

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2024-01-30 16:11:31
#Men #civilian #clothes #Israeli #commandos #disguise #kill #Palestinian #militants #Jenin #hospital #raid #BBC #News

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