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Israeli PM: Iran’s Immunity Has Ended


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Photo/Al Arabiya

TEL AVIV – Prime Minister Israel Naftali Bennett said that Iran will not go unpunished for inciting attacks through his power. He said this a week after the assassination in Tehran of an Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) colonel that Israel had blamed.

Hassan Sayad Khodai, who is accused by Israel of plotting attacks against its citizens around the world, was shot dead at the wheel of his car by two men on motorbikes. The tactics echo previous assassinations in Iran that focused on nuclear scientists and were widely pinned on the Mossad.

Iran’s semi-official news agency, ISNA, said members of the Israeli intelligence service network had been found and immediately arrested by IRGC after the shooting in Tehran.

Bennett’s office, which oversees the Mossad intelligence agency, declined to comment on the killing.

However, in a speech broadcast to his ministers on Sunday, Bennett accused Iran of repeatedly targeting Israeli interests.

Read also: Tragically, Iran’s IRGC Colonel, was strafed by 5 bullets at close range on the street

“For decades, the Iranian regime has practiced terrorism against Israel and the region through proxies, envoys, but the head of the octopus, Iran itself, has enjoyed immunity,” Bennett said.

“As we have said before, the era of the Iranian regime’s immunity has ended. Those who finance terrorists, those who arm terrorists and those who send terrorists will pay the full price,” he added Al ArabiyaSunday (29/5/2022).

Iran itself has promised to avenge Khodai’s death and blamed Israel.

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