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Israeli Military Rescues Female Soldier Held Hostage by Hamas in Gaza Strip

The Israeli military said today that its forces rescued a victim during a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip.Palestineislamist organizationHamas(Hamas) held hostageIsraelFemale soldiers.

The Israeli military pointed out that the soldier, Ori Megidish, was taken hostage by Hamas on October 7. After she was rescued, she underwent a health check and was “in good health.”

Reuters reported that the Israeli military did not elaborate on the circumstances of Megidish’s rescue.

Before the military announced Megidish’s rescue, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israeli forces were continuing efforts to rescue more than 200 hostages kidnapped by Hamas as they conducted ground operations in the Gaza corridor.

Netanyahu also said: “This operation even creates an opportunity for the release of the hostages, and we will not miss the opportunity.”

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#Israel #invades #Gaza #rescues #female #Israeli #soldier #held #hostage #Hamas #United #News #Network
2023-10-30 19:20:18

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