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“Israeli forces order evacuation of Nasser Hospital in Gaza, leaving thousands trapped inside”

Israeli forces have ordered the evacuation of Nasser Hospital in Gaza, leaving thousands of people trapped inside. While some Palestinians have managed to leave the besieged hospital, health officials report that thousands, including critically ill patients, remain inside. The Israeli military claims that Hamas continues to conduct military activities in the hospital, but this claim is unsubstantiated. Witnesses and medical NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have reported that those sheltering inside are afraid to leave due to reports of people being shot on the way out. The Israeli army has also fired on people inside the hospital, including medical staff.

The situation at Nasser Hospital was already critical, but the past 24 hours have made things even more frightening, according to MSF’s Guillemette Thomas. Approximately 400 patients are in critical condition at the hospital, and the World Health Organization has been denied access since January 29. Dr. Ahmed al-Moghrabi, the head of plastic surgery at Nasser Hospital, recorded a message from inside the facility when Israel’s evacuation orders came in. He described how the Israeli army sent a hostage with cuffed hands into the hospital to tell them to evacuate, but when people started leaving, they opened fire and killed the hostage.

Dr. al-Moghrabi also mentioned that thousands of people, including critically ill patients, are being delayed at Israeli checkpoints as they try to flee the area. The situation at the hospital is described as dangerous, and bodies of people killed by Israeli sniper fire have been lying on the ground for days due to safety concerns. At least three people have been killed by Israeli snipers near the facility in the past 48 hours.

Israeli forces have been setting up checkpoints along the road leading to Nasser Hospital, forcing people to flee. The situation is becoming increasingly difficult for those trapped inside, with some people who managed to leave being exposed to Israeli fire and forced to return. Israeli forces have also destroyed one of the main gates of the hospital and installed face-recognition cameras, indicating that raids and mass arrests may be imminent.

This is not the first time Israeli forces have targeted Gaza’s hospitals during the ongoing war. Since October 7, more than 28,000 Palestinians have been killed, and Israeli forces have raided multiple hospitals, killing healthcare workers. By the end of November, 30 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals had been hit by Israeli rockets, leaving only six functional hospitals in the region.

The situation at Nasser Hospital highlights the dire circumstances faced by Palestinians in Gaza. With thousands trapped inside, including critically ill patients, the need for immediate action and international intervention is crucial. The targeting of hospitals and medical facilities is a violation of international humanitarian law and must be condemned. The lives of innocent civilians, including those in urgent need of medical care, are at stake.

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