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Israeli Doctors Calling for Bombing Hospitals in Gaza: A Call for Compassion and Humanity

Israeli doctors called on their army to bomb hospitals in the Gaza Strip, under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

Dozens of doctors in Israel – who were framed under the title “Doctors for Soldiers” – signed a petition, in which they claimed, “Whoever confuses hospitals with terrorism must understand that hospitals are not a safe place for him, and terrorism must be fought everywhere and in every way.”

This demand sparked large and disapproving reactions, as doctors are supposed to have the goal of protecting human lives, not calling for bombing hospitals and killing patients and medical staff.

For her part, Dr. Aya Al-Asmar – a member of the Council of the Jordanian Dental Association and an associate professor at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Jordan – said: “Being a human being first, a doctor second, and an academic raising generations of doctors professionally third, I affirm that all the laws and laws of the universe, both heavenly and earthly ones, are disavowed.” This arrogant and hateful Nazi discourse, and among these principles and values ​​are inhuman first, immoral second, unprofessional third, and unacceptable at the level of professional ethics fourth.”

Dr. Aya Al-Asmar: “We are doctors who adhere to morals, virtue, values ​​and principles that call for compassion, humanity, saving lives and helping patients” (Al-Jazeera)

Dr. Aya asked – in exclusive statements to Al Jazeera – “Where is the Hippocratic Oath then? Where is the ethics of the profession? Where is the law of health and medical responsibility?”, stressing that neither race, gender, nor religion governs the humanitarian medical professions.

The Hippocratic Oath is an ethical code attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It has been adopted as a guide to the conduct of the medical profession throughout the ages, and is still used in graduation ceremonies in many medical schools. This oath, or part of it, has been passed down in various versions through generations of doctors under the name of the Hippocratic Oath.

The section specifies the doctor’s obligations towards medical students and the student’s duties towards the teacher. In the oath, the doctor undertakes to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment. and refrain from causing harm or harm; And to live an ideal personal and professional life.

Dr. Aya Al-Asmar – a member of the Jordanian Writers Association – added, “We are doctors who adhere to morals, virtue, values ​​and principles that call for compassion, humanity, saving lives and helping the sick. This is a vile, distorted speech steeped in hatred, hatred and a spirit of racist revenge. It is an outcast and abnormal speech and outside the professional and ethical framework.” And humanity, and we are innocent of it.”

A crime against humanity

Dr. Ziad Al-Zoubi, head of the Jordanian Medical Syndicate, said: “With regard to what was issued by Israeli doctors through a document sent to the Zionist enemy authorities asking them to destroy hospitals in Gaza under the pretext of using them as safe havens for fighters, it is a crime against humanity and contradicts the four Geneva Conventions on the basis of which the organization was established.” The International Red Cross, which was reinforced by the 1977 annexes, which stipulate and oblige the warring countries to provide protection for the wounded and safe places for their treatment.”

Al-Zoubi added – in exclusive statements to Al Jazeera – that “the Zionists have destroyed most of the hospitals operating in Gaza to kill the wounded and not provide the opportunity to treat them. Whoever is not killed by the barbaric raids on buildings will die from the lack of treatment. Not only that, but they prevent aid coming from abroad, whether it is In the form of medicines, medical supplies or medical personnel.”

He added, “The Jordanian Medical Syndicate tried to provide assistance to Gaza, and 850 surgeons and doctors volunteered there since the first days of the aggression. We addressed the United Nations, the Red Cross, and Doctors Without Borders, but we were unable to enter to support our colleagues there who were either martyred, wounded, or exhausted by the war.”

He concluded by saying, “Where is humanity, where are human rights, and where are international treaties? A cry I address to all honorable people in the world to help us save the wounded in Gaza.”

Dr. Murtada Krishan: The allegations of Israeli doctors carry a call to kill Palestinians (Al Jazeera)

Shock and amazement

For his part, the Jordanian orthopedic doctor, Dr. Murtada Krishan, expressed his shock and astonishment upon hearing of Israeli doctors’ demands to bomb hospitals in Gaza. “Doctors are supposed to be the people who most appreciate life and its sanctity, and they know the suffering of patients in hospitals, so how can they ask to throw missiles on their heads?”

Krishan stressed that inviting these doctors is a justification for the Israeli army in its systematic war on hospitals and the medical sector in Gaza, and giving it an excuse to kill medical staff and patients.

Krishan stressed that the allegations of Israeli doctors carry a call to kill Palestinians, stressing that what Gaza is doing is defending itself and repelling the Israeli aggression, which was not limited to a military attack, but was preceded by a policy of siege, starvation, and preventing the introduction of medicine.

Dr. Krishan added that the Israeli occupation’s bombing of hospitals in Gaza is a systematic operation that aims to kill first, then to destroy the medical sector so that the wounded do not find anyone to care for them.

Krishan stressed that by calling for the bombing of hospitals, these Israeli doctors have betrayed the Hippocratic Oath, betrayed their humanity, and turned into instigators of murder and partners in crimes against the Palestinian people.

Aggressive mentality

For his part, Dr. Hazem Qarala, head of the media committee at the Jordanian Medical Association, said, “These abhorrent racist calls only reflect the aggressive mentality rooted in their Israeli society, and are a blatant departure from the most important principles of medicine, its ethics, and its lofty message among peoples.”

He added, “Bombing hospitals and health facilities and trying to put the largest number of them out of service is a clear message to everyone that the enemy’s goal is genocide and killing the largest possible number of residents of the Gaza Strip, and the high number of women and children martyrs is only clear evidence of this intention.”

Qarala stressed, “As a doctor, I warn of a real humanitarian catastrophe if hospitals in the Gaza Strip are left without immediate assistance, as there is a shortage of everything from fuel, medical materials and equipment, and human cadres who are exhausted and exhausted to the last breath, and there is a trade-off between patients in providing treatment and providing medical services, and with Unfortunately, the result is a greater number of deaths amid the lack of medicine, the blockade, and the targeting of medical personnel.”

War crime

For his part, Jordanian lawyer and writer Muhammad Al-Awdat said that these statements – Israeli doctors calling on the army to bomb Gaza hospitals – violate the Geneva Conventions, which stipulate the protection of medical objects and their facilities, whether they are fixed or mobile medical objects, and everything that follows from them, whether these hospitals are hospitals affiliated with the forces. Combat military or civilian hospitals.

He added, “This protection was stipulated in the Geneva Convention of 1846, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Protocol attached to them in 1977.”

Muhammad Al-Awdat said, “The Geneva Convention of 1949 stipulated in Articles 6, 18, and 19/1 that it is not permissible to attack medical units and that they must be protected and defended. The Additional Protocol of 1977 also stipulated in Articles 12 and 21 of it to protect medical units, and prohibited the parties to the conflict from making medical units the target of any attack.” Attack and protection of medical vehicles.

Muhammad Al-Awdat confirmed that what the doctors called for is considered a war crime stipulated in the International Criminal Court under which they can be prosecuted. War crimes are defined in Article 8 as “grave violations of the 1949 Geneva Conventions,” and in 2021 a majority decision was issued by the International Criminal Court to have jurisdiction over crimes. Committed in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem

The Jordanian lawyer stressed that the doctors’ action violated the Geneva Declaration “The Oath of Doctors” issued in 1948, part of which stated: I will maintain the greatest respect for human life, and I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat.

The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules to limit the barbarity of war. The Conventions provide protection for people who are not taking part in hostilities (civilians, health workers, relief workers) and who have ceased to take part in hostilities (the wounded, sick, shipwrecked soldiers, prisoners of war), according to the International Committee of the Red Cross website.

Dr.. Imad Abu Rayyan: What we are witnessing today in terms of targeting hospitals in the Gaza Strip during peak hours, overcrowding of patients, and targeting cars and ambulance teams is systematic targeting (Al Jazeera)

It has no connection to medicine

For his part, Dr. Imad Abu Rayyan, a consultant orthopedic surgeon who holds the German Board, said that this position conflicts with the principles and values ​​of medicine as it is a humanitarian profession. This position adopts a political and military position, and this has no relation to medicine in any way.

Dr. added. Imad, “This position also contradicts the ethics of the profession and its oath, international treaties and norms, and legal institutions concerned with human rights.”

Imad Abu Rayyan stressed that what we are witnessing today in terms of targeting hospitals in the Gaza Strip during peak hours, overcrowding of patients, and targeting cars and ambulance teams is systematic targeting. What we hear now through the free media about the targeting of the homes of doctors, hospital directors, and medical college professors leaves no room for doubt that the health sector in Gaza is being targeted, and what is happening now is nothing but a clear translation of the systematic damage to health care, its infrastructure, and its working elements, even though they are protected and protected by law and custom. International. Therefore, there must be international action to ensure the security of these health institutions and their workers.

2023-11-10 14:15:00

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