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Israeli Bombing in Southern Lebanon: Updates and Reactions

The Israeli military spokesman said that his forces bombed a cell that was trying to launch an anti-tank missile from Lebanon towards the Shtoula border area, in addition to targeting a Hezbollah observation point near the Lebanese border.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported that an Israeli march bombed with two missiles the vicinity of the town of Muhaibib in the central sector of southern Lebanon.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported that the Israeli police closed several roads and prevented the movement of vehicles in the Galilee Finger area on the border with Lebanon, at a time when the Israeli army asked residents of towns on the border with Lebanon to stay at home and stay near shelters.

During the past hours, Israeli warplanes launched a series of raids on the vicinity of a number of towns, and Israeli artillery bombed areas in the central and western sectors of southern Lebanon.

Israel bombed a civilian car in southern Lebanon, killing a family inside (Reuters)

For its part, the Lebanese Hezbollah said that it targeted with guided missiles Israeli sites in Al-Rahib, Al-Malikiyah, and Jal Al-Deir, and announced that it had achieved confirmed casualties there. The party also mourned two of its fighters who were killed in a bombing by Israeli forces in southern Lebanon, raising the party’s death toll to 63.

On the other hand, the people of the town of Blida in southern Lebanon today mourned three girls who were martyred as a result of an Israeli raid that targeted them while they were trying to escape in a civilian car from an Israeli bombing that the town was subjected to last Sunday.

The Lebanese government submitted a complaint to the UN Security Council against Israel after it bombed a civilian car in southern Lebanon, killing a family inside. Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said that this crime would be followed up by the government through international communications, as he put it.

Since the eighth of last October, the border strip between Lebanon and Israel has witnessed clashes and mutual bombardment between the Israeli occupation forces on the one hand, and the Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian factions on the other hand, in an attempt to support the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip and relieve pressure on it.

2023-11-07 12:12:04
#Israel #renews #bombing #southern #Lebanon #calls #residents #stay #shelters

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