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Israeli Army Threatens Palestinians in Gaza with Terrorist Label

Arrijal Rachman, CNBC Indonesia


Sunday, 10/22/2023 22:00 WIB

Photo: Victims of Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip in Rafah on Saturday (21/10/2023). (AP Photo/Hatem Ali)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Israeli army or Israel Defense Forces or IDF threatened to label Palestinians as sympathizers of a “terrorist organization” if they refused to leave the northern region towards the southern Gaza strip.

The message has been delivered in leaflets marked with the name and logo of the Israel Defense Forces since last Saturday, and sent to people via mobile phone audio messages throughout the Gaza Strip, a narrow territory just 45 km (28 miles) long.

“Urgent warning, to residents of Gaza. Your presence in the north of Wadi Gaza puts your life in danger. Anyone who chooses not to leave north Gaza for the south of Wadi Gaza may be identified as an accomplice of a terrorist organization,” the leaflet stated. ReutersSunday (22/10/2023).

Even so, the Israeli armed forces refuse to declare that the Palestinian people who remain in the northern region of Gaza, and are never willing to evacuate, are members of a terrorist organization. They ensured they did not target civilians.

However, the Israeli military added, “To minimize losses to civilians, the IDF sent a request to residents in the northern area of ​​the Gaza Strip to evacuate to the south of Wadi Gaza,” he said.

Since the October 7, 2023 attack on the militant group Hamas, Israel has urged Palestinians to move south, although Palestinians say they were not told they could be considered “terrorist” sympathizers if they did not.

Palestinians also say that traveling south remains extremely risky amid Israeli airstrikes and say that areas in the south have also been hit by their airstrikes.

Many families who left Gaza for the south said they had lost relatives during Israeli airstrikes in southern Gaza.

Watch the video below:

Blockade Opens, Trucks Carrying Aid Start Entering Gaza


2023-10-22 15:00:51
#Israel #Threatens #Label #Terrorists #Gaza #Residents #Refuse #Evacuate

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