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Israeli Ambassador Outspoken Reasons for Attacking Gaza Palestinians

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Gaza Strip, Palestine, re -ignited as a result of the 11 -day battle between Israel and militia groups in the region, especially Hamas, mid -May.

So far, Israel and Hamas have fought at least three wars.

The fighting last May was triggered by the closure of access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Palestinian Muslims who want to worship. The closure by Israeli authorities took place in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

Clashes were also exacerbated by the planned eviction of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem.

Since then, Hamas has started to launch a hail of rockets into Israeli territory. Tel Aviv responded to the rocket and missile attacks with air strikes on Gaza, killing at least 260 residents of the territory, including dozens of children.

In a virtual special interview together CNN Indonesia Some time ago, the Israeli Ambassador to Singapore, Sagi Karni, explained the reason his country continued to attack the Gaza Strip despite realizing that there were civilian casualties.

The following is an excerpt from an interview with Ambassador Sagi.

What are the conditions in the Gaza Strip like forcing Israel to attack the territory?

It started with rockets and missiles fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli cities and villages. More than 4,000 rockets were fired by Hamas from Gaza into Israel.

Palestinians who support Hamas decided to resort to violence and terror. I think it’s important to explain a little bit about Hamas.

Because, from what I read through Indonesian media, some basic facts are not explained or maybe Indonesian readers are not aware of them.

Hamas is an extremist organization. Just like ISIS ideology if we try to compare it with the situation in the region. Hamas is like Jamaah Islamiyah, has the same ideology.

So you can all imagine how Israel lives next to the Gaza Strip, territory controlled by organizations like Jemaah Islamiyah. And even that organization wants to control territory beyond that, including the West Bank.

Hamas has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007. They seized control of the Gaza Strip from the official Palestinian authorities through a military coup that basically used terror and violence.

Thus, Israel lives next to the territory controlled by an organization that does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and exist. So how can we have a dialogue with people like that? How can we reach an agreement with such conditions?

But at the same time, many civilians died as a result of Israeli attacks in Gaza. If so, what is the difference between Israel and Hamas?

Israel is a democracy that adheres to Western values. Meanwhile, Hamas is a fascist terrorist organization.

I don’t see any comparison between Israel and Hamas. Just ask your readers, do they want to live in the shadow of Jamaah Islamiyah? That will be the answer.

What Hamas is doing is a double war crime and international violation. First, they fired rockets and missiles indiscriminately into populated areas of Israel. They used rockets and missiles directly into our civilian areas.

Second, Hamas uses civilians as shields. They fired missiles and rockets from public facilities such as buildings located next to hospitals, schools and residential areas.

Israeli Ambassador Opens Up About Attacks on Palestine


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