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Israel Summons Korean Ambassador Over UN Vote Supporting Palestinian Membership

Israel announced that it would invite the Korean ambassador to Israel on the 21st (local time) in protest against Korea’s vote in favor of the Palestinian Authority’s plan to join full UN membership held at the UN Security Council .

According to AFP, on the 20th, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced through social media

Spokesman Marmorstein said, “The ambassadors of France, Japan, Korea, Malta, Slovakia and Ecuador will be summoned for a protest meeting tomorrow (21st), and a strong protest will be delivered to them.”

The speaker said “the same protest will be sent to other countries” that voted the same way as those countries. He said, “The clear message to be delivered to the ambassadors of each country is as follows,” and he added, “The demand for the recognition of a Palestinian state is six months after the massacre on October 7 (last year ) in compensation for terrorism.”

Israel’s position so far is that the statehood of the Palestinian Authority should not be recognized in a situation where 1,600 people in Israel were killed in a surprise attack last October by the Palestinian military political group Hamas, and about 130 people a host that has not yet been kidnapped. from the Gaza Strip.

Before that, the UN Security Council held a plenary meeting at the UN Headquarters in New York on the 18th and voted on a resolution for Palestine to become a full member of the UN. At the time, 12 members of the Security Council, including Korea, voted in favor, but the resolution was rejected due to the veto of the United States, a permanent member. Statal of two countries, including the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

For a resolution to be approved by the Security Council, it must receive approval from at least 9 out of 15 members, and no veto from any of the 5 permanent members – the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom United, and France. If the resolution on the agreement of Palestine as a full member state were accepted by the UN Security Council, it would be transferred to the General Assembly of the United Nations and implemented with the agreement of two thirds of the 193 member states.

The Palestinian Authority applied to become a full member of the United Nations in 2011, but did not participate because the Security Council’s own vote was postponed due to opposition from the United States during the process. – review documents. The following year, the autonomous government asked the UN General Assembly to upgrade it from an observer group to an observer state, and received its current status after a vote.

Unlike approval by observer states, recognition of regular members must go through the Security Council, so the idea was that tied votes would be difficult. US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a briefing on the 3rd that he supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, but said it should be achieved through dialogue between the parties, not the Nations United, and said he would vote against it. in consideration of his congregation Israel.

(Seoul = News 1)

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2024-04-20 23:32:00

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