Home » today » World » Israel Rejoices, Ukraine Weeps: The Surprising Events in the US Congress – 2024-05-03 05:26:27

Israel Rejoices, Ukraine Weeps: The Surprising Events in the US Congress – 2024-05-03 05:26:27

/ world today news/ The new chairman of the US House of Representatives has started to show his teeth. The White House is already angry, the liberals and Kiev are shaking in hysteria. Who will help and who will drown Mike Johnson, who holds the third most important post in the USA? Tsarigrad found out what to expect from a quiet Louisiana Baptist, as well as who will win and who will lose.

The Republican-controlled US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly backed a bipartisan bill to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel, which does not include support for Ukraine.

That happened despite pleas and threats from the White House, which wanted to get $106 billion in one package from lawmakers in charge of the Treasury.

To finance from him not only Israel, but also the Ukraine so loved by the Biden family, to counter China and Russia in the Asia-Pacific region. It would be so convenient.

The White House turned white with anger

One man is primarily behind the humiliation of President Joe Biden and his administration: incoming Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. He put his Democratic opponents in a very awkward position.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has already said that the upper house of Congress will not pass this “deeply flawed proposal,” and the president has announced that he will veto the bill if it passes in its current form in both houses of Congress.

The White House Budget Office released a statement saying in part that the House bill “is harmful to Israel, to the Middle East region and to our own national security.”

And that “separating security assistance to Israel from other priorities for emergency national security funding will have global consequences.” It will become clear below why this is emphasized.

Underwater rocks

The House-passed bill hides a number of pitfalls that have led the White House to accuse Republicans of pursuing partisan politics in the international arena.

First, financial assistance to Israel is proposed to be accomplished by reducing funds allocated to the US Internal Revenue Service. Second, the further financing of Ukraine is related to

Kyiv provides detailed reports on funds spent (to fight corruption),

tightening control of the southern US border, which under the administration of Biden has become a gateway.

Johnson is a staunch opponent of strengthening the IRS, seeing the hiring of 80,000 new — and armed — tax officials who have the right to use their guns under Biden as an “attack” on the middle class.

The article on the removal of additional funding for the financial year 2024 applies specifically to them. The speaker understands that the Democrats intend to rob – supposedly in the interest of the poor – the middle class, not the rich who are only getting richer.

The case of Ukraine

Of course, Johnson has not forgotten about Ukraine, but he considers the priority of this aid to be lower than that of Israel.

“Soon we will deal with the issue of Ukraine. It will be next,” the spokesman promises, although this “soon” may be a little longer.

“We will look at Ukraine and the border issues, probably in one package. We will do this separately to allow for deep debate and discussion,” he added, recalling that there is now no consensus.

“It’s a matter of principle: If we help Ukraine with its borders, we can’t ignore the problems we see at the border of the United States itself,” Fox News Business quoted the spokesman as saying.

Even from these few phrases it becomes clear that the third person in the American hierarchy of power is an intelligent and resourceful person.

Before moving on to other priorities in the activity of the speaker, which are already fully defined, it is necessary to say a few words about him as a person, because without this it is difficult to understand what motivates him.

Comes from the people

Johnson is relatively young – he is only 51 years old. Of Irish, Italian, and French descent, and a native of Louisiana, he is the outwardly attractive “Southern gentleman” type.

He only recently entered big politics, but he already holds a record: in 140 years, he is the first congressman to become speaker after serving in the House of Representatives for less than seven years.

What is the reason for Johnson’s phenomenal success? He is a well-educated, excellent lawyer, whose skill is recognized even by his opponents, knows how to smile charmingly and communicate with people, negotiate without, importantly, changing his own principles.

The orator received his higher education not in Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford – nurseries of the rotten American elite, but in his native state. His father was a firefighter who suffered serious burns and became disabled in the line of duty.

Trumpist is cooler than Trump

In the House of Representatives, Johnson dealt with constitutional issues, the relationship between the government and the people, including investigations into abuses of power by government officials, and matters related to the armed forces.

He was among 147 Republicans who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, which was clearly rigged by Democrats.

Johnson spoke out and voted against a biased “investigation” into the “storming of the Capitol” by “deep state” operatives in Congress, including some Republican lawmakers.

He was adamantly opposed to the impeachment efforts of former President Donald Trump and did much to ensure that they were ultimately killed.

Trump called Johnson a good man who everyone loved (in fact, all Republicans in the House voted to appoint him) and endorsed his election as speaker. That is, he is one of the closest associates of the previous and, probably, the next president of the United States.

How Johnson, who was not very famous, became an orator is a whole story in which he showed himself to be a brilliant tactician and psychologist. This is also evident from the fact that of all the Republican candidates for the position of Speaker, he is the one who achieved the maximum number of passage of his bills in the House of Representatives, which directly points to Johnson’s negotiation and procedural talent, and this makes him especially a dangerous adversary in the eyes of the White House. And he also behaves like a politician against whom there is no incriminating evidence…

He is also a Baptist

Johnson’s “open secret” is that he is a deeply, one might even say, fanatically believing Baptist, that is, a Christian fundamentalist of the American “spill.” The tattered Bible is always with him. In a memorable interview he said:

“Someone in the media said that people don’t know what to expect from Mike Johnson. My response to that is: well, take the Bible off your shelf and read it – that’s my worldview.”

Before his election to Congress, Johnson was a partner at the law firm Kitchens and served as legal director of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative group dedicated to legal protection and expansion of Christian practice in public schools and government, which advocates for the ban on abortion.

He never favored perverts, fought against their state funding, their influence in schools and sports, and opposed violence against teenagers.

It hasn’t changed since. Liberals consider him, according to Bloomberg and the New York Times, a far-right “MAGA Republican.” That is, some extreme patriot of the obscurantist kind and, of course, a “homophobe”. But the amazing thing is that he still retains his appeal (even in the eyes of those who disagree with him)!

Israel and Ukraine

What does this mean for the rest of the world? Everything is fine for Israel.

“As Christians, we believe the Bible teaches very clearly that we should be on Israel’s side,” Johnson said.

For him, this is not even a matter of foreign policy, but part of a specific Protestant worldview, the conscience of the believer. Therefore, from his point of view, everything that is good for Israel is also good for the Americans, it is the same thing. And here, of course, there can be no savings, no claims, no delays, or conditions for aid (the poor Arabs!).

With Ukraine, everything is much more complicated. People in Kiev were generally very upset when Johnson became speaker. They noted that he voted against pro-Ukraine bills (with a few exceptions) and made “anti-Ukrainian statements.”

In the sense that spending on Ukraine is a lower priority than US domestic needs, and strict care must be taken to ensure that US aid there is not stolen, which is not yet the case.

Russia and China

Of course, Johnson is no friend of Russia – in principle he cannot be an American imperialist, even with a conservative conviction, accustomed to look down on anyone but the Jews, and probably finds it difficult to recognize Russians as Christians, but most likely considers us “communists”, perhaps also kleptocrats.

And in this regard, Ukraine can still count on something. There just needs to be “accountability” and the White House to “clearly define goals” that can and should be discussed.

“Now we can’t let Vladimir Putin win in Ukraine because I don’t believe it’s going to end like that. Such an outcome is likely to cause China to take similar steps toward Taiwan. We have such concerns.”

This is what Johnson said in an interview with Fox News. According to him, the absolute priority in foreign policy should be one’s own interests, one of which is the defense of Israel.

Johnson does not consider Russia to be the main enemy of America, it is, of course, China. In the same interview, he called it an “equal adversary,” pointing out that the United States, “the last true superpower,” must do everything to maintain “military superiority.” What a subtle nod to the powerful American military-industrial complex!

What is it trying to achieve?

In short, those observers who see the Ukraine issue, as presented by Johnson, primarily as a weapon for Republicans against Democrats in the presidential race are correct.

Republicans will decide whether or not to lend money to Ukraine, and if so, how much, based on political expediency. And it consists of many elements: compromises in the party, agreements with the Democrats, various pre-election nuances.

But one thing is clear: It will become harder for the White House to keep Ukraine afloat, where the Biden family’s corruption trail stretches.

Including, because with the help of Kiev, the Democrats can use part of the funds allocated to Ukraine for domestic political purposes in the USA, to fight against the Republicans in order to maintain their power.

Republicans are counting on wresting power from Democrats, hoping the election will be relatively fair this time around. Even more than Ukraine, the threat of Biden’s impeachment will be used to achieve this goal.

Johnson confirmed at a press conference that the issue would be resolved “soon.” He, as an experienced lawyer, takes the evidence base seriously and wants everything to be flawless.

It is clear that the current president, although he deserves it, will not be the impeachment. Impeachment would be killed by the Democratic-controlled Senate. But the media hype and proven allegations of corruption will be very bad for the Democratic Party’s prospects in the next election and may be a factor, along with health, in Biden leaving early.

If even one hundredth of what the Republicans have already “dung” about Biden could be attributed to Trump, he would be in prison for a long time and never get out.

So what?

Thus the main themes of Johnson’s oratory are now fully defined. In domestic politics, it is a struggle with Democrats for power in the United States, including through the threat of Biden’s impeachment, protecting America’s borders from the influx of illegal migrants, and fighting with liberals for the moral and physical health of Americans.

In foreign policy – full support for Israel, under conditions – for Ukraine, containment of Russia, containment and economic competition with China.

What makes the situation particularly poignant is that Wizard Johnson probably considers himself an instrument of God and keeps the Bible under his arm. What will come of it? We will watch.

Translation: SM

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