Home » today » World » Israel Reaffirms Ban on Jews Praying in Al-Aqsa

Israel Reaffirms Ban on Jews Praying in Al-Aqsa

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Jerusalem District Court, Israel, reaffirmed the prohibition of the people Jewish to pray and worship in the complex Masjid Al-Aqsa on Friday (8/10).

The decision came after earlier this week, Jerusalem’s lower court allowed Jews to pray at the third holiest site for Muslims.

On Tuesday (5/10), the lower court in Jerusalem allowed Jews to pray at the Al-Aqsa compound. The decision came in response to a petition filed by a rabbi, Aryeh Lippo.

Around the end of last September, Lippo was banned from visiting Al-Aqsa after being caught praying there.

According to Jerusalem’s lower court, what Lippo did did not violate the instructions of the Israeli police so far, which indeed prohibits Jews from worshiping in the mosque compound. The lower court considered the two of Lippo “in a whisper” so as not to disturb the rest of the public at the venue.

The decision sparked criticism from various parties, including Palestinians, to the Saudi and Jordanian governments.

The Israeli police then appealed the lower court’s decision and finally on Friday it was approved by the Jerusalem District Court.

According to Jerusalem District Court Judge Aryeh Romanoff, the police’s instructions regarding the prohibition for Jews to pray in Al-Aqsa were implemented “within reason”.

“The fact that someone was observing (LIppo) praying is proof that his worship was done openly (apparently),” Romanoff was quoted as saying. AFP.

Jews have been allowed to visit the Al-Aqsa complex, but are not allowed to openly pray or worship there.

Al-Aqsa is indeed a holy site for Muslims and Jews. Jews often refer to the mosque complex as the Temple Mount, which is believed to be the location of two ancient temples that they sanctified.

Although Israel has occupied Jerusalem since the 1967 war, Jordan is the guardian of Islamic sites, including Al-Aqsa, in the city.

Israel’s Minister of Public Security, Omer Bar-Lev, even backed the Jerusalem District Court’s decision and warned that changing the status quo in the territory “could jeopardize public peace”.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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