Israir Airlines joins the fight to bring home the captives and abductees. On the body of the plane, whose call sign is ABI, the company posted the hashtag #Bringthemhome (“bring them home”). The signage is white on a blue background in the color of the company.
At the beginning of the signage, Israir added a drawing of a yellow ribbon, and another larger yellow ribbon on the fuselage in the area between the entrance door and the cockpit windows. In the company’s statement, it was explained that this initiative was undertaken with the aim of raising awareness of the issue of captives and abductees, throughout the world and in Israel in the destinations to which the company flies.
The yellow ribbon “Yellow Ribbon” was introduced in the USA at the end of the Vietnam War and during the hostage crisis in Iran. It was a gesture to express a silent call to free the soldiers and the kidnapped and return them home. In those years, Americans used to hang a yellow ribbon on the lapel of their clothes, on the windows of their homes, on door handles their cars, and even on tree trunks in the streets. Now Israel is bringing this gesture to Israel as well.
This initiative joins the “Relatives to the Heart” operation, under which Israir allows the purchase of tickets to Eilat for only 69 NIS for the families of the evacuees visiting their relatives in Eilat, as well as for the residents of the Otaf arriving in Tel Aviv and returning to Eilat. This is in addition to medical teams flying in to assist in the treatment of the Otaf evacuees.
Commentary: In the book of Psalms there is a verse written “I am with him in trouble, I will deliver him and save him”. This verse that refers to God is also suitable for Israir’s management style. The latest initiative strengthens Israir’s image as the most patriotic airline in Israel. Israir’s CEO, Rami Sirkis, is in the habit of doing projects for Israel that do not add to the profit line on the balance sheets. We witnessed this during the Corona period when Israel operated rescue flights for Israelis from Europe, when all other airlines stopped flying. Even when other Israeli airlines were paralyzed and stopped operating flights at a loss, Israir continued to fly for Israelis, knowing that it was going to lose. Fortunately for us, the owners of the company, Rami Levy and Shalom Haim, are not opposed to these welcome initiatives, unlike shareholders in other companies. If the “Wall of Fame” Hall of Fame of the Israeli aviation industry is established, places in the front row are reserved for these three righteous people – Rami Sirkis, Shalom Haim and Rami Levy. Inhale!
It is appropriate that we return their “gratitude” even when we buy plane tickets in the years after the current war.