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Israel must distrust Turkey

Turkey re-unfolds media narratives about “reconciliation” with Israel. Turkey’s latest attempt to influence the media narratives of this alleged reconciliation were articles that appeared in the Turkish and Israeli media suggesting that an exchange of ambassadors might be on the air. However, a representative of the Israeli Foreign Ministry He said on Tuesday Turkey has not asked Israel to accept an ambassador exchange.

It is not the first time that Turkey has done this under the ruling AK party and its leader, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In spring 2020, Turkey said it wanted reconciliation as France, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus and the UAE condemned Turkish threats in the eastern Mediterranean. Turkey’s attempt to push for a largely mythical reconciliation was underpinned by Ankara’s attempt to block a deal between Israel, Greece and Cyprus on a gas pipeline and to prevent Israel from joining the Eastern Mediterranean gas forum.

Turkey reaffirmed that it wanted reconciliation after US President Donald Trump lost the election last year. Turkish Erdogan was close to Trump and had gotten the United States to allow Turkey to invade and ethnically cleanse the Kurds in Syria. Turkey used the Trump administration to threaten NATO allies, harass France, foment Islamist extremism and send mercenaries to Libya and Syria. The loss of Trump led Turkey to decide that the only way to diminish an emerging Israel-Greece-UAE-Egypt alliance was to try to isolate Israel away from its new friends. Turkey has even threatened to sever relations with the UAE if Abu Dhabi normalizes relations with Israel. How can a country pretend that it wants normalization with Israel while trying to isolate Israel and ruin Israel’s friendships with Greece, Cyprus and the UAE?

That is why Israel must always be wary of press reports – which usually reach the media from the highest echelons of Ankara – about reconciliation. Turkey’s sole objective under Erdogan for the past decade has been to isolate Israel and empower Hamas terrorists and Israel’s enemies. Turkey has done this quietly through funding Islamic organizations and attempts to take the lead from anti-Israel voices globally. Even as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf have rapidly moderated and improved their relations with Israel, Turkey has become the leader – along with Iran – in anti-Israel propaganda. The host to Hamas has included terrorist plots hatched from Turkey. Turkish Erdogan has compared Israel to Nazi Germany on numerous occasions, a mixture of genocidal anti-Semitism that has no place in international relations.

Erdogan must make amends for calling Israel a Nazi country if Ankara ever hopes to improve its relations. Ankara must also expel Hamas members and stop flirting with extremist anti-Israel groups, whether in Iran or Gaza. Turkey’s drift towards Iran is worrying for the region. He prefers to work with Iran and Russia to discuss Syria, rather than with the United States. This is so despite the Ankara media sometimes claiming that Turkey might be willing to work with Israel against Iran.

The true agenda of the Turkish regime was laid out in an article by the Turkish State Radio and Television Corporation reflecting the thinking of the Turkish government. In it, the author denied that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and stated that “Israel needs Turkey” and that Israel must “compromise”. Turkey never has to compromise. Turkey never does anything for Israel. This is the real agenda. Turkey wants Israel to beg and approach Ankara on its knees and this attitude has always underpinned Ankara’s recent deal with Israel. He thinks he can welcome Hamas terrorists, embrace plans to assassinate Israelis, give a red carpet to Hamas commanders who have bloodstained hands, who are greeted with hugs by Erdogan, and also threaten the Gulf countries. against normalization with Israel, trying to destroy Israel’s ties with Greece and Cyprus and then ordering Israel to “compromise.”

The Israeli government has a long history of these abuses by Turkey and there is no evidence that this country does anything to repair the ties. Turkey could start by claiming that Israel is not like Nazi Germany. Otherwise, there is nothing to talk about.

Israel has friends in the Gulf who illustrate what true alliances are like, appointing ambassadors and teaching tolerance and interfaith respect. Turkey can learn from them.

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