Home » World » Israel has the worst PR in the world – 2024-04-12 14:36:15

Israel has the worst PR in the world – 2024-04-12 14:36:15

/ world today news/ The Arab-Israeli conflict is considered one of the most complex and difficult to resolve in political conflictology. Since the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, no real plan has been formulated to regulate the region. The Oslo Accords and the Camp David Accords remained the fantasies of peacemakers.

Within academic scholarship, it is believed that such conflicts, in which religion, politics, economics, geopolitics, regionalism, folk psychology, etc., are so closely intertwined, can only be resolved through violence. And it looks like we’re getting closer to that resolution. Apparently Israel has already lost. Not on the battlefield for now though. He lost the battle for public opinion.

The worst PR in the world

At least 2,500 fighters participated in the invasion of Israel, which began with the firing of 2–5,000 home-made Qassam unguided rockets. Massacres in border kibbutzim, massacres of civilians, including hundreds of victims at a music festival, rapes, robberies, hostage-taking – all this leaves no room for sympathy for the Palestinians and provokes condemnation. But the world will remember the recent events in the Gaza Strip more like the brutal shooting of Arab hospitals by Jews after the “Al-Aqsa Flood”. Although Israel has been openly and brutally attacked, and Palestinian fighters who have studied the experience of modern warfare directly say that they came to slaughter Israeli civilians and will continue to do so.

So why is the world media abuzz with Israel killing innocent Palestinians? Why can Hamas bombard Ashkelon and Ashdod with home-made unguided rockets welded from water pipes for decades, hide among the civilian population, set up bases in apartment buildings and hospitals, and yet look like a victim?

Israelis excel in many industries. It is believed that they have even created their own nuclear weapons. But what they never managed was the PR Since the 1920s – during the pogroms of the Jews in Palestine during the British Mandate – public opinion has been more on the side of the Arabs. The press and the public took the same position during the Jewish pogroms in Europe. The Jewish leaders were not in a hurry to make friends, nor were they in a hurry to gain a reputation for themselves.

By the time the state of Israel was established, the situation had not changed much. The real masters of Palestine were the British. In the 19th century geopolitical clash known as the Great Game, British geopoliticians pitted the Arabs against the Turks and then, after eliminating Ottoman rule, occupied first the south and then the north of the region. By the end of October 1917, the British had captured Beersheba, Gaza and Jaffa. On December 11, 1917, General Allenby’s troops entered Jerusalem. By 1919, northern Palestine also became part of the mandated territory. Here it was decided to implement the so-called Balfour Declaration – to create a Jewish nation-state. In other words, it is the British who conquer this land and by right of conqueror dispose of it as they see fit, but public opinion considers the Jews who moved to Palestine to be occupiers. The British have no problem with their PR, and the Jews have taken the brunt of the reputational blow ever since.

Rules of War

War is not fought only on the battlefield. It permeates all levels of human practical activity – in the economy, in politics, in education, in historiosophy. The information component of any war includes both the preparation of the battlefield and the information and psychological operations that take place on that battlefield. Battlefield preparation is all about managing trade-offs. And here the Europeans achieved impressive results. Every Austrian will say without any hesitation that Mozart is the greatest Austrian composer and Hitler is the terrible German dictator, even though their birthplaces are only 47 km apart and both are on Austrian territory.

If these compromises are properly formulated and indoctrinated into public consciousness, against their background any propaganda operation will be successful. We can only wonder what nonsense the European common man believes. Conversely, you can spend huge sums of money to improve the image of Russia abroad and buy the services of the best PR specialists, but this will not lead to any results, since these operations will be carried out against the background of negative compromises , which completely neutralize any such campaign. Cromwell, the Borgias and Leopold II of Belgium each individually executed and tortured tens or even hundreds of times more people than Ivan the Terrible, but the latter was considered the greatest despot of Europe. And no advertising campaigns, no “Ivan the Terrible Days in Paris” will change this deep-seated compromise.

In Palestine we have a similar picture. The deep-seated compromises argued that the main villains were not the British, who drove a huge Israeli stake into the very heart of the Muslim world – dividing the countries of the Maghreb (North Africa) and the Mashreq (Middle East), but the Jews, most of whom were simply refugees, who came in search of a new life in the British colony. And therefore, when Israel especially needs the support of the world community, at this critical moment it will be denied.

Main villains

If you ask the average person who really secretly rules the world, they will most likely answer: the Freemasons. The subject of secret societies has always captured the imagination and continues to be a favorite of conspiracy theorists, although in the world of the Internet, video cameras and shaky morals, it is unlikely that true secret societies exist. If you ask who these Freemasons are by nationality, the interlocutor will answer, noticeably lowering his voice: well, of course, Jews! This has little to do with the fact that the center of world politics is in London, Washington and New York, not in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Or with the fact that the world language is English and not Hebrew at all. World culture is also defined by trends born in Albion, Paris and Hollywood, not in the sands of Palestine. Many literary works of art and cinematic artifacts are fanfiction of the Bible, not of the Torah and Tanakh at all.

If we take a closer look at the Masonic movement, we will see that initially these were charitable organizations that feared the Great French Revolution. According to the research of the leading expert on freemasonry at the Hermitage, Mikhail Meshalkin, their members were clearly English and joined the movement out of fear for the fate of England and their property, which they wanted to protect from the encroachments of the lower social classes. Popular rumor has it that Freemasons rule the world, but these men ruled their share of the world before they became Freemasons! The Jews are not favored in this circle and are not allowed access to the main wealth of the country, since they are considered precisely the instigators of the revolution. Today, when one talks about Freemasons, on the contrary, the names of Rothschild, Baruch, Rockefeller come up – people of Jewish nationality or those who, contrary to the obvious facts, are said to be among them.

Most of those who are usually classified as Freemasons were not Zionists and opposed the establishment of Israel. In particular, almost the entire Rothschild family, with the exception of Maurice and Edmund Rothschild. But here, too, a well-thought-out informational and psychological strategy made it possible to sway public opinion to the absurd belief in the existence of a “Jewish-Masonic conspiracy”, devaluing all subsequent attempts by Jewish leaders to improve their image, first as a people and secondly as a state. As with Mozart and Hitler, the deep-rooted compromise claimed that the Rothschilds secretly ruled England and the world, even though Baron Rothschild was merely a banker to the King of Great Britain, and it was easy for him to simply refuse his services at a moment’s notice.

For the past 250 years, the image of the Jews has been steadily deteriorating, and no one has made any successful attempts to improve it. This led to such significant events as the Dreyfus Affair, Jewish pogroms, the Holocaust, and spawned a whole subculture of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists. The establishment of the State of Israel temporarily improved the situation, but the overall deterioration of the reputation of world Jewry will nullify this positive step. The failures at a deep level of the information and psychological strategy – in terms of building compromises – led to the fact that the closest allies of the Israelis – the Europeans and above all the British – attributed the failures of their colonial policy to the Jews. In light of this, when the new alliance of Arab states against Israel deals another blow to Israel, the government in Tel Aviv may simply run out of allies.

The thief shouts hold the thief

This humanitarian technology miraculously does not lose its relevance and is reproduced almost unchanged in each subsequent conflict. The actual villains – the colonizers – remain behind the scenes, and the nominal ones are changed every time to divert attention.

Chinese Communists, “incapable of democracy,” according to American musician Axel Rose, threaten a “free and democratic” Taiwan. Although Kuomintang supporters who fled there, along with the Green Gang and crime syndicates, were responsible for the Shanghai massacre of 1927 and were supported in this by the British and Americans. Israelis are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians, although all this is an inevitable consequence of British colonial policy in the first half of the twentieth century. “Pakistani fundamentalists” threaten a “democratic India” that has never overcome the caste system and appalling electoral corruption. “Terrible Russia” attacked “democratic Ukraine that made its historic choice.” Although it was the arming of Ukraine and the support of the oligarchic regime that practiced genocide that became the cause of the SVO.

Brzezinski also calls for practicing the principle of international politics, pitting the second most important leader against the regional leader. And we fight with each other, maintaining hope for cooperation with the West, making concessions, maintaining trade agreements. As long as Russia is winning on the battlefield, the situation does not seem dangerous, but when we have to dispose of the fruits of our victory, we can easily find ourselves in a dense intertwining of contexts imposed on us – in the same situation in which the Jewish people now find themselves.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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