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Israel, Germany and the United Kingdom begin administering a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine

Israel, the most advanced country in terms of vaccination against the coronavirus, He has already started administering a third dose of the serum to those over 60. Germany and UK they will begin to do so in September. The German Government will do it first with vulnerable people while the British will start with citizens over 50.

This is the response of these three countries to the advancement of the Delta variant, 40% -60% more contagious than the British variant and which is already the dominant strain in almost the entire planet.

Other countries, such as France (with immunosuppressed people) and United Arab Emirates it will also allow the third puncture.

The third dose in the UK will be administered in pharmacies

The British government plans to start providing people over 50 with a booster vaccination against Covid-19 starting next September, the newspaper reported on Monday. ‘The Daily Telegraph’.

Fearing that the protection provided by the doses may begin to decrease, the authorities want to offer a booster about 32 million Britons and trust vaccinate with this third preparation about 2.5 million people per week.

On this show, according to the ‘Daily Telegraph’, some 2,000 pharmacies will participate, so that doctors and British Healthcare (NHS) staff can focus on treating patients for treatments other than Covid-19. Everyone over the age of 50 and vulnerable people will be offered this third booster shot.

According to the latest official figures, the United Kingdom has vaccinated 88.6% of the adult population with the first dose, while 72.5% of adults have received the full vaccination schedule.

Check in our tool AccountVaccines how the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus is progressing in Spain and the rest of the world.

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