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Israel Fears War with Iran If Biden Wins

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Minister of Settlements Israel, Tzachi Hanegbi, stated openly the opportunity his country would engage in war with Iran if the candidate for president of the United States (US) from the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, won a political contestation this year.

According to him, the estimate emerged as a response to Biden’s stance on the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement, which was suspected of endangering Israel in the Middle East region.

“Biden has said publicly in the past that he will return to the nuclear deal. I see that this as something that will lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran,” Hanegbi told the newspaper. The Jerusalem Post, which is quoted Al-Monitor, Saturday (7/11).

The US signed a nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 under President Barack Obama. At that time, Biden served as vice president.

The agreement removes sanctions against Iran in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.

However, in 2018, US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the deal and chose to reimpose tough sanctions. Trump accuses Iran of trying to build nuclear weapons, but Iran denies that.

In this regard, the majority of the Israeli population felt the deal was too lenient on Iran, and did not guarantee Iran would submit to it afterward. Furthermore, it is no secret that the majority of Israelis, especially those on the right, are eager for Trump to win the 2020 US Presidential Election.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, also briefly addressed the Congress and criticized the Iran deal that was just made by the Obama administration at that time. The majority of Israelis view the agreement as “wrong”.

Even before the voting day (3/11), Trump had asked Netanyahu for his opinion on the possibility of Biden being able to make Sudan officially recognize Israel. However, Netanyahu was reluctant to answer explicitly the questions of the US incumbent presidential candidate.

“Mr. President, one thing I can say is that we appreciate the help for peace from anyone in America. And we really appreciate what you have done,” Netanyahu replied.

The US election process was fierce. On Wednesday (4/11), Trump even claimed victory in the US Presidential Election even though at that time the calculations had not been completed.

He then accused the Democrat Party of potential irregularities and fraud in the vote counting process, and said he would question the results of the presidential election to the Supreme Court.

Not only that, Trump also accused the theft of votes by unidentified parties. He then emphasized that he would not let that happen.

Trump also blamed the loss of votes in many US states. In a tweet on his Twitter account, Trump also accused pollsters of being totally wrong.

Responding to this, top Republican officials also asked Trump and his team to clarify the allegations of fraud that he made in the presidential election this time.

Not only Trump, Biden is also confident that he will win the 2020 US presidential election. Biden is confident even though the calculation process has not been completed.

He alluded to a number of states he currently controls, such as Georgia and Pennsylvania.

(khr / ayp)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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