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Israel does not plan to revive nuclear deal with Iran before mid-term elections | News

Duration of the video 02 minutes 26 seconds


An Israeli official said Israel does not expect to revive the Iranian nuclear deal with major countries before the mid-term elections for the US Congress to be held next November, after European signatories to the agreement have expressed their disappointment with Tehran.

“It appears at this point that he will not sign a nuclear deal with Iran no sooner than the (US) mid-term elections,” the Israeli official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

Israeli commentators saw this statement as an Israeli expectation of US President Joe Biden’s reluctance to strike a deal with the next ballot box, which would have allowed his Republican rivals to use it to attack his Democratic Party in their election campaigns.

In statements to the Israeli government on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid thanked European countries for their “frank position”.

“Israel is carrying out a successful diplomatic campaign to stop (relaunch) the nuclear deal and prevent the lifting of sanctions on Iran,” he said, adding that the campaign “is not over yet, the road is long. encouraging signs. “

After the U.S. withdrew from the 2015 deal, Iran – which denies seeking nuclear weapons – has not complied with it by increasing uranium enrichment in a process that could provide it with fuel for bombs at a later stage. .

Israel is not part of the Vienna nuclear negotiations, but its fears of Iran and its threats to take military action against its archenemy, if it sees diplomacy has ended in failure, make capitals Westerners in a state of expectation and caution.

Gravestone in Germany

In the same context, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid arrived in Germany on Sunday as part of Israel’s diplomatic efforts to persuade Western powers to back down from relaunching the nuclear deal with Iran.

The Israeli delegation includes security officials and 5 Holocaust survivors, according to Agence France-Presse.

Lapid will meet – today, Monday – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annallina Birbock and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and it is expected that the Iranian nuclear dossier will occupy a large part of the talks.

Israel is making relentless diplomatic efforts to persuade Westerners, particularly France, Germany and Britain, to oppose a return to the 2015 agreement with Iran on its nuclear program.

The 2015 agreement between Tehran and 6 international powers (Washington, Paris, London, Moscow, Beijing and Berlin) allowed the lifting of sanctions on the Islamic Republic in exchange for the reduction of its nuclear activities and the peace of its program.

The enthusiasm of European countries, in particular Germany, France and Great Britain, to relaunch the nuclear deal has diminished in recent days, after these countries – the day before yesterday, Saturday – raised “serious doubts” about the intention of Tehran to relaunch the agreement, in a declaration defined by the Iranian foreign ministry as “not constructive”.

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