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Israel and Iran Clash Fiercely at Emergency UN Security Council Meeting

Israel and Iran clashed fiercely at an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council held on the 14th (local time).

At an emergency meeting convened in the aftermath of the missiles and drones Iran launched on the night of the 13th to retaliate against Israel’s ‘consulate airstrike’, Israel used words such as ‘Hitler’ and voiced that the Security Council should take an active role in stopping Iran. raised it

Iran, however, counterattacked by saying that this attack was an exercise of its natural defense rights following the Israeli airstrike on the consulate on the 1st, emphasizing that it does not want an escalation of war.

According to foreign media such as CNN and Reuters, at the Security Council meeting convened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York this afternoon, Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations Amir Saeed Aravani said, “It (the Israeli attack) was entirely an exercise of Iran’s inherent right to defense (self-defense).” “The Security Council has failed in its mission to maintain international peace and security,” he said.

Ambassador Aravani then seemed to take into account the intervention and concerns of the United States and the international community and stated, “We will not seek expansion or war (of this incident), but we will respond if there is any threat or invasion.”

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan raised the level of criticism toward Iran to the highest level.

Ambassador Erdan said, “Iran must be stopped before it leads to a world war,” and said, “Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei (Iran’s Supreme Leader) is no different from Adolf Hitler.”

“Like the Nazi regime, the Ayatollah regime sows death and destruction wherever it touches,” he said, urging him to “think for a moment what would happen if Ayatollah Khamenei had been able to launch a nuclear bomb last night.”

Ambassador Erdan said, “The Ayatollah regime thinks Israel is a frog in boiling water, but they are wrong,” adding, “This attack crossed all red lines, and Israel has the legal right to retaliate. “We are not frogs in boiling water, we are a nation of lions and we will protect our future,” he emphasized.

He repeated, “The Security Council must take action today. “Activate the snapback mechanism (imposing sanctions if the agreement is not implemented) and reimpose severe sanctions (on Iran),” he said. “Designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.” “It’s not for Israel, it’s for the world,” he said.

Robert Wood, the U.S. deputy ambassador to the United Nations, said he condemned Iran and Iranian-backed armed groups for their attacks, while also making it clear that he was concerned about an escalation of the war.

“Going forward, the United States will consult with other member states to explore additional steps to hold Iran accountable at the United Nations,” he said. “We will hold Iran or its proxies accountable if they take further actions against the United States or against Israel.” “It will happen,” he warned.

Meanwhile, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenza told member countries that no action was taken when Israel requested to meet with Iran after its consulate was attacked on the 1st. “’s hypocrisy and double standards.”

“The Middle East is on the brink,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “The people of the region face the real risk of destructive, all-out conflict. “Now is the time to calm down and de-escalate,” he emphasized.

(Seoul = News 1)

#Israel #Iran #locked #horns #Security #Council #meeting.. #Hitler #Exercise #selfdefense
2024-04-15 02:11:00

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