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Isometric Exercises: The Key to Lowering High Blood Pressure

Chronic high blood pressure is a risk factor – it increases the likelihood of stroke or heart attack, although it is often not accompanied by symptoms. According to the Robert Koch Institute, millions of people around the world die every year from high blood pressure. Above all, lack of sufficient movement, unhealthy diet, obesity, stress and excessive alcohol consumption are the risk factors here.

In this regard, the ARD quotes data from the German Hypertension League, according to which almost one in three people in Germany has high blood pressure, i.e. values ​​above 140 over 90. In addition to medication, exercise can also lower blood pressure to some extent, adds German public television.

Sports lower blood pressure

Until now, doctors thought that endurance exercise was particularly effective in this case. A new study published in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” shows that another type of exercise is particularly beneficial for patients with blood pressure: so-called isometric exercises. British researchers studied the results of 270 clinical studies with a total of over 10,000 participants. The conclusion they reached is: isometric exercises lower blood pressure much more effectively than classical endurance training, intense interval training or strength sports, we read in the ARD publication.

Isometric exercises – what is it?

In isometric exercises, certain muscle groups are strained for some time in a stretched state – without movement. One of the most famous of them is “plank” – holding the body in a position similar to that of push-ups, but with the weight shifted from the hands to the forearms. Research leader Jamie O’Driscoll from the University of Canterbury explains the positive effect of isometric exercises on blood pressure as follows: Holding the body for two minutes in a stationary position, for example in the “plank” position in the “plank” exercise, muscle tension increases significantly. When you relax, blood flow is restored. This, according to him, is why isometric exercises are twice as effective as endurance exercises in terms of increased blood pressure, writes ARD.

Fast results

After just two weeks of regular exercise, the upper blood pressure value dropped by 8 points, and the lower value by four, the study also shows. Three times a week, 15 minutes of exercise is enough, assures O’Driscoll. In addition to exercise, doctors advise people with high blood pressure to stop smoking, eat a low-salt diet, avoid stress and watch out for excess weight.

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2023-08-23 20:43:00
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